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577 results:
1. Feminist Frontiers  
Contact Natalia Figge (Project Coordination) Natalia.Figge(at)fes.de Feminist Frontiers: Rethinking Power Dynamics in Asian Geopolitics The Asia Pacific region is currently a hotspot for…  
2. Gender Justice  
The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung supports public debates on gender justice through the work of our offices in the Asia-Pacific. We facilitate regional and international exchanges between Asian, European,…  
3. Working group on Climate and Energy Justice  
Coming soon ... Working group on Climate and Energy Justice Back to main page  
4. Geopolitics and International Order  
Our regional project analyses major regional and global dynamics at play in the Asia-Pacific. It offers a platform to unpack ideas and strategies on how to manage these geopolitical challenges and…  
| Feminist Frontiers | Blog
Rethinking Global Politics: Gender Justice at the Heart of Geopolitics and Global Diplomacy
The article explores how historical biased and masculinist priorities have shaped international relations, and discover how integrating feminist principles and intersectional approaches can lead to…  
| Feminist Frontiers | Blog
The missing pieces
In a world marked by structures of patriarchal power, the quest for global peace remains an unfinished jigsaw. The missing pieces of representation from a male-dominated panel in high stakes forums…  
| Feminist Frontiers | Blog
Rethinking Diplomacy: The Case of Gender-Sensitive Foreign Policy in Asia
The article explores how gender sensitive policies can reshape foreign policy in Asia drawing from the rich histories of feminist praxis and ethics.  
| Feminist Frontiers | Blog
Geo-Economics and the Rocky Road of Gender Equality
Amid shifting geopolitical priorities and economic ambitions, gender justice often struggles to take centre stage. Can global powers reconcile their strategic and economic interests with the…  
| Feminist Frontiers | Blog
Gender Justice in Global Supply Chains: Rethinking Trade, Geopolitics, and Workers' Rights
Women across Asia form the backbone of global trade, yet their labour remains undervalued and unprotected. While legislative measures like the EU and Germany’s Supply Chain Due Diligence Acts provide…  
Power and Prejudice
| Feminist Frontiers | Blog
Power and Prejudice: Reshaping Energy Narratives in Asian Geopolitics
In the race for energy dominance, the human cost of development often goes unnoticed, with women bearing the brunt of displacement and disenfranchisement. The article delves into the gendered…  
Search results 1 until 10 of 577