Gender Justice
Feminist Frontiers: Rethinking Power Dynamics in Asian Geopolitics
The Asia Pacific region is currently a hotspot for global geopolitics, where regional and global power rivalries shape the landscape through complex patterns of competition, conflict, cooperation and disruptions. As the geopolitical environment evolves, traditional discussions often focus on foreign policy, security, diplomacy and economic strategies, while often overlooking the social dimensions of power that underpin these processes.
Although efforts have been made to ensure gender balance in geopolitical events, forums and delegations, a comprehensive understanding of global power relations requires a deeper exploration of how gendered hierarchies and patriarchal structures influence geopolitical realities. Seemingly non-geopolitical concerns play a crucial role in shaping power dynamics of the global stage, reinforcing narratives of “otherness” through gendered, racialised and sexualised discourses.
Navigating these political realities and advancing gender justice is an important conversation that needs to be held. Integrating feminist perspectives in geopolitics opens up new avenues for understanding the intersection of global power with social identities, enriching geopolitical analyses with insights from marginalised voices. By recognising how power and privilege intersect with gender, we gain a deeper understanding of the complex dynamics that influence states, societies and individuals.
Against this background, the Regional FES Gender Justice Project in Asia, seeks to broaden the scope of geopolitical discussions by addressing the intersections of gender justice, power and international relations, with the goal of making geopolitical narratives more diverse and inclusive. Through these contributions we hope to offer new, intersectional lenses that enrich debates and promote gender justice in global politics and explore how feminist perspectives can inform policy making and diplomacy.
Asia in Transformation: Visions and Policies for a Gender Just Future
The Asia-Pacific region is one the most diverse regions in the world in terms of politics, economy and culture. Despite significant economic growth and improved educational opportunities in recent decades, multiple socio-economic inequalities persist in the region, with ‘gender’ being a central axis of discrimination.
The labour force participation of women in Asia remains low in many countries. The majority of women work in the informal economy, often under harsh conditions without proper social protection. And while women have found opportunities opening up in labour-intense export industries and digitalized service sectors, the digital divide is shaping the future of many women and girls. Women in Asia also spend four times as much time on unpaid care work than men, often connected to a lack of public services. Far too often, the experience of gender-based violence is a part of women’s and girls’ day-to-day life. Yet, they are leading many inspiring initiatives, questioning the discriminatory gender roles and norms that are deeply embedded in social structures and cultural practices.
Against this background, FES is committed towards working with its partners to advance gender equality in Asia-Pacific. At the heart of our work lies the question: How can we overcome structural economic and social inequalities to achieve a more gender just and sustainable future?
We support public debates on gender justice through our network of offices in the Asia-Pacific and facilitate regional and international exchanges between Asian, European, and international experts. Our regional work is coordinated by FES Nepal in Kathmandu, which is part of the FES Global Gender Innovation Network. Together with colleagues, feminist activists, and partners we create spaces for mutual learning and develop strategies to support transformative change. Throughout all our activities we follow an intersectional approach.

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