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491 results:
08.04.2024 | Climate change | Publication
Prospects for a just transition in Asia: Navigating opportunities and challenges
Explore international accomplishments in implementing the concept of Just Transition among Asian countries in this editorial. Not limited to the positive side, it also looks at the shortcomings of…  
08.04.2024 | Cross-cutting regional issues, Trade, labour and social dialogue, Gender Justice | News
Terms of Reference Layout Design for Booklet Let’s Make Trade Unions More Gender Just 2024
FES Regional Gender Justice Project in Asia is calling for a professional layout designer for a booklet; 'Let’s Make Trade Unions More Gender Just 2024'.  
08.04.2024 | Climate change | Publication
Gender in a just urban transition: Discussion paper
What can be done to ensure current gaps in equality and inclusion are no longer overlooked or unaddressed? Explore the challenges and opportunities of a pathway to achieve just transitions in cities…  
23.02.2024 | Networks for social democracy | News
Nepal's Road to Democracy: A Reflection
Nepal recently celebrated its 74th Democracy Day. The country has come a long way in terms of consolidating democracy and establishing inclusive rule of law. However, the gap between implementation…  
15. Imprint  
Imprint Legal notice of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung e.V. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung e.V. Godesberger Allee 149 D-53175 Bonn +49 (0) 228 883-0 +49 (0) 228 883-9207 www.fes.de Editor …  
16. Privacy Policy  
Privacy Policy The protection of your personal data is of utmost importance to us. The usage of offers from Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (e.g. of publications or events) usually requires the…  
21.02.2024 | New Geopolitics of Asia | News
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Geopolitical Situation in Asia with Marc Saxer by TenGer TV, Mongolia
"It’s all about these redlines in times of instability and uncertainty", said Marc Saxer, FES Asia's Regional Director.  
14.02.2024 | New Geopolitics of Asia | News
Map of the geopolitical competition in the Indo-Pacific
The geopolitical map of the Indo-pacific looks very different if looked at from the perspectives of Beijing or Washington. Our map visualizes the main fault lines and potential flash-points.  
19. Asian indigenous peoples seek greater participation, respect in climate fight  
Respecting the rights of indigenous peoples and enhancing their participation in climate change processes play a crucial role in addressing climate change, indigenous representatives from Asia…  
20. Feminist approach key to just energy transition in Asia — coalition  
Adopting a feminist approach to energy transitions is crucial for ensuring that the shift to clean energy is just, and addresses historical and current gender inequalities, a network of feminist…  
Search results 11 until 20 of 491