
A new paradigm for Asia's cities

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Asia launches an interactive map that lets viewers explore the current state of social and ecological development in eight cities across the region.

Today’s global development and climate targets call for social-ecological transformation in Asia's cities. Why? As dense settlements of human and economic activity, Asia’s cities face unique challenges and opportunities. More than 50 per cent of the world’s megacities and urban dwellers live in Asia and the region is among the most disaster-prone regions in the world. The challenges in terms of climate change and social inequalities within urban spaces are enornmous. 

Social-ecological transformation offers a way to move forward by envisioning sustainable and fair development paths in which people and nature take centre stage. Done right, it invites people from all walks of life to pursue sustainable and just urbanisation, lower emissions and conserve natural resources. It includes representatives from government, civil society and the private sector, as well as the sciences, to network, collaborate and make policy together, helping them shape their cities for the future.

To help you stay up to date on the issues that Asia’s megacities are facing, our latest research and what a social-ecological transformation could look like, we have developed a new interactive map with technical support from Kontinentalist.

Explore our interactive map on social-ecological transformation in cities:

“The map creates an intra-regionally connected understanding of social-ecological transformation in Asian cities. It is a valuable platform with plentiful and easy to navigate resources for everyone who wants to be actively involved in creating sustainable and socially inclusive urban spaces.”

- Julia Behrens, Climate & Energy Project Director, FES Asia

It offers readers and viewers an information channel where content on urban social-ecological transformation in Asia is presented in an organized, visualized and user-friendly way. Easily navigate between three pages to locate the information you need and get inspired on what the way towards a sustainable future could look like! By sharing data, experiences and ideas, we hope to make access to knowledge easier and develop further solutions in joint coalitions.

The FES Regional Climate and Energy Project in Asia works with its partners and colleagues towards a social-ecological transformation in the region. It is based in Hanoi, Vietnam, and advocates for greater climate justice through its network in five different countries of the region.

Want to help us grow our map, add more cities and offer even richer data? Send us an e-mail with your pitch at mail(at)fes-vietnam.org.

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Asia

Bringing together the work of our offices in the region, we provide you with the latest news on current debates, insightful research and innovative visual outputs on geopolitics, climate and energy, gender justice, trade unions and social-ecological transformation.
