
Women adapting to climate change in Nepal | DOCUMENTARY

Bahav (eng: flow) explores how Nepalese women in two of Nepal’s most remote districts have been navigating changing climatic conditions and their impacts on water resources.

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Climate change has been disrupting social and ecological systems across the globe. In this short documentary, we explore how Nepalese women in Bardiya and Jumla, two of Nepal’s most remote districts, have been navigating changing climatic conditions and their impacts on water resources.

#BAHAV which translates to flow in English, follows the experiences of people along the Karnali, Nepal’s longest river. While in the plains of Bardiya people face the increased risk of flooding, in the mountainous Jumla they struggle with water scarcity. Upstream and downstream people already feel the impacts of climate change in their lives and are trying to adapt to the changing conditions.

Women are at the center of the climate crisis, due to traditional gender roles and societal expectations. In addition, men often work abroad and women are left alone in the day-to-day struggle and care work which often limits their participation in discussions and discourses related to climate change.

This 11-minute documentary does not claim to hold all the answers to the big questions it raises but rather opens a window to learn from the women it features on how we might be able to support a more sustainable and gender just future for all. Bahav aims to amplify the voices of local people and their experiences and showcases why we need gender-transformative approaches – not only to address climate justice but also other social justice issues.



Local Coordinators: Bhuban Bahadur Rokaya and Ravindra Kumar Gyawali

Director of Cinematography: Kireet Rajbhandari and Nischal Manandhar

Interviewer: Rubina Pradhan

Logistics Management: Arjun Kumar

Pandey Editing: Sohan Maharjan

Color Grading: Sohan Maharjan and Merit Maharjan

Post-production Manager: Smriti Basnet

Post-production Support: Katha Haru Team

Creative Producers: Priyanka Kapar and Isabelle Urumath


Produced by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Asia

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