
Terms of Reference Layout Design for Booklet Let’s Make Trade Unions More Gender Just 2024

FES Regional Gender Justice Project in Asia is calling for a professional layout designer for a booklet; 'Let’s Make Trade Unions More Gender Just 2024'.

Terms of Reference Layout Design for Booklet Let’s Make Trade Unions More Gender Just 2024

1. Organization Background
The Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) owes its formation and mission to the political legacy of Friedrich Ebert, the first democratically elected president of Germany. We are an independent non-profit organization that promotes the core values of Social Democracy: freedom, justice and solidarity – in Germany and with country offices in more than 100 countries worldwide. These values connect us with progressive parties and the international labour movement. As think tank we share knowledge and develop strategies on economic and social policies. In our political education work we support democratic practices and create spaces for exchange and public discourse.
In Asia, the regional gender justice project supports public debates and facilitate regional and international exchanges between Asian, European and international experts. Together with colleagues, feminist activists, and partners we create spaces for mutual learning and develop strategies to support transformative change.

2. Project Description
Historically, trade unions have been seen as “organisations of brotherhood”. But today about 40 per cent of the global labour force is female and it is of strategic importance for unions – who are struggling with member losses and political marginalization in many places – to seriously include women and their interests. Not only to build their membership base, but also to consolidate their societal influence, especially in a changing world of work. In 2021, FES Regional Gender Justice Project set out to learn more about trade unions’ practices in supporting change towards gender equality and create a platform for exchange among champions and proponents of gender equality in trade unions in Asia and beyond. Consequently, we published the handbook “Transformative Strategies Towards Gender Equality in Trade Unions” that explores strategies, ideas, and methods to address gender equality in unions, through education work, advocacy, networking efforts and other means. Together with the authors of the handbook, we have now developed a booklet Let’s make trade unions more gender just which has two parts – Making trade unions policies and structures more gender just (part one) and Spaces and strategies for a gender just transformation in core union activities and operations (part two). Both the booklets are targeted to be used by anyone working with or for the unions. Part one is specifically designed to be used by trade union leaders (regional, national and local levels), labour educators, organizers, and influencers/activists within trade unions. The second part of the booklet is specifically designed for use by the sectoral unions, local and shopfloor levels who are involved in the day-to-day operations of the labour organisation.

3. Scope of Work
The layout designer will be expected to perform the following services:
• Conceptualise and design the booklet with Asian workplaces aesthetics (the design of the booklet should relate to workers and trade unions in Asia)
• Ensure hands-on use and readability of the booklet
• Develop illustrations and graphics based on the content of the booklet to enhance its visual appeal
• Coordinate with the FES team and the authors in finalisation of design and layout
• Assure compliance with FES branding guidelines (will be provided later on selection)

The layout process is expected to begin in mid-May and be completed by early July. The tentative timeline for the project is as follows:

- Finalization of the tender and signing of contract
10th May 2024

- Introductory call with FES team (max 1 hr)
14th May 2024

- Submission of first draft of Part One of the Booklet
31st May 2024

- Submission of first draft of Part Two of the Booklet
14th June 2024

- Submission of the final draft of Part One of the Booklet
28th June 2024

- Submission of the final draft of Part Two of the Booklet
05th July 2024

4. Deliverables
• A5 size design of Part One [Making trade unions policies and structures more gender just]; 30 pages
• A5 size design of Part Two [Spaces and strategies for a gender just transformation in core union activities and operations]; 30 pages
• Promotional pictures for social media usage (Facebook, X, Website and LinkedIn) adapted from the overall design; 5 pictures per booklet per platform
• 2 GIFs for each part of the booklet based on the main content of each part
• Two major rounds of feedback on each of the deliverables

5. Payment Terms
The payment will be made based on the following:
• 40 per cent on the submission of first draft of Part One of the Booklet
• 60 per cent on the submission of final draft of Part Two of the Booklet

6. Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights
The copyright and intellectual property rights lie with FES Nepal. The production company may not use, reproduce, or otherwise disseminate or authorize others to use, reproduce, or disseminate works produced as part of this project without prior consent from FES Nepal.

7. Required Skills and Expertise
A. Minimum 5-years proven experiences in graphic and layout design
B. Ability to conceptualise abstract concepts to visual forms and excellent knowledge of visual storytelling
C. Proven experience of developing easy-to-read booklets
D. Prior experience of working with issues related to gender justice
E. Prior experience of working with issues related to trade union
F. Prior experience of working with international organisations
G. Excellent command over English language
H. Familiarity with social media communications

8. Evaluation of Offers
The offers received will be evaluated based on the following:
Technical Evaluation – 60 per cent
• Criteria A: Minimum 5-years proven experiences in graphic and layout design [10 points]
• Criteria B: Ability to conceptualise abstract concepts to visual forms and excellent knowledge of visual storytelling [20 points]
• Criteria C: Proven experience of developing easy-to-read booklets [10 points]
• Criteria D: Prior experience of working with issues related to gender justice [20 points]
• Criteria E: Prior experience of working with issues related to trade union [10 points]
• Criteria F: Prior experience of working with international organisations [10 points]
• Criteria G: Excellent command over English language [10 points]
• Criteria H: Familiarity with social media communications [10 points]

Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 70 points from the total technical points will be considered for the financial evaluation.
Financial Evaluation – 30 per cent
Financial proposal from all technically qualified candidates will be scored in a total of 30 percent based on the formula provided below:
p = y (a/b), where
p= points for the financial proposal
y= 30
a= price of the lowest priced proposal
b= price of the proposal being evaluated
Design Pitch – 10 per cent

Shortlisted three candidates from the technical and financial evaluation will be invited to make a concept pitch over a zoom call.

9. Application Procedure
Interested individuals/companies must submit the following by 25th April 2024 to priyanka.kapar@fes.de via email a subject line as “Offer_Layout design”.
1. Detailed CV/ company portfolio highlighting required skills and expertise mentioned in this Terms of Reference
2. At least three examples of similar work on creative design of publications
3. Financial proposal
The financial proposal should be based on the following description of work.

Priyanka Kapar
Program Officer
Regional Gender Justice Project in Asia
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Nepal
+977 98513 10 395

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Asia

Bringing together the work of our offices in the region, we provide you with the latest news on current debates, insightful research and innovative visual outputs on geopolitics, climate and energy, gender justice, trade unions and social-ecological transformation.
