Rita Padawangi

The Social City: Aspiration of an Urban Transformation in Asia

In this discussion paper, Dr. Rita Padawangi is contextualizing, reflecting and comparing the urban transformation of cities like Jakarta, Singapore or Seoul from a progressive political-economic perspective.

The future is sure to bring even more rapid urbanization, of which Asia will have the lion’s share. Hence, the development of Asia’s cities will reveal in microcosm the political course that may be set all around the globe.

In this context, integrated, socially responsible and therefore inclusive urban development in Asia would contribute significantly to the achievement of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) within the Agenda 2030. The Economy of tomorrow network in Asia therefore supports the joint aspiration that social aspects and social functions in urban development planning gain more attention in city-making.

This wonderful analysis by Dr. Rita Padawangi is contextualizing, reflecting and comparing the urban transformation of cities like Jakarta, Singapore or Seoul from a progressive political-economic perspective.

The social city

Padawangi, Rita

The social city

Aspiration of an urban transformation in Asia : discussion paper
Jakarta, 2018

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