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580 results:
| Economy of tomorrow | Publication
Supply chains under tension
Putting the spotlight on the changing nature of global value chains in the Asia-Pacific during the COVID-19 pandemic.  
| Geopolitics and International Order | Vlog
Unpacked with Dr Yeo Lay Hwee
Singapore and the EU enjoy a strong partnership on several fronts, including on the economic front as well as in promoting multilateralism. Dr Yeo Lay Hwee, Director of the European Union Centre in…  
| Geopolitics and International Order | News
The New Geopolitics of Asia
A year and a half into the pandemic, the systemic implications of the crisis are engendering major shifts and, some will argue, sowed the seeds for transformative political, economic and social…  
| Geopolitics and International Order | Vlog
Unpacked with Dr Thitinan Pongsudhirak
The ASEAN region is in the spotlight of the evolving US-China rivalry. What role does the EU play in the region and Thailand in particular? Dr Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Professor and Director of the…  
| Geopolitics and International Order | Vlog
Unpacked with Liew Chin Tong
Why is Malaysia wary of the term Indo-Pacific? Liew Chin Tong, Malaysian Senator and former Deputy Defence Minister, gives us a glimpse of what the EU’s presence in the Indo-Pacific mean for Malaysia…  
| Geopolitics and International Order | Vlog
Unpacked with Prof C Raja Mohan
“The EU has a big role in structuring a new, more secure and more stable order in the Indo-Pacific”, says Prof C Raja Mohan, Director of the Institute of South Asian Studies at the National…  
| News
Female leadership and the future of work in Mongolia
Together with Ariunzaya Aysuh, Mongolia’s Minister of Labour and Social Protection, we discuss the challenges and successes in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic and take a closer look at the…  
| Geopolitics and International Order | Vlog
Unpacked with Ambassador Barbara Plinkert
In our first episode, Barbara Plinkert, Ambassador of the EU to Singapore, shares her perspectives on why the EU needs a strategy for the region and tells us how they intend to work with partners.…  
| Vlog
Vlog launch: The EU in the Indo-Pacific
FES in Asia is premiering a new video blog series that puts the spotlight on the role of the European Union in the Indo-Pacific. Find out more!  
| Future of Work, Economy of tomorrow | News
German Supply Chain Act makes corporate responsibility mandatory
On 11 June, Germany passed a much-debated act on due diligence in global supply chains. Frederike Boll writes about the power of alliances, the key points of the new law, the influence of the Social…  
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