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351 results:
23.11.2020 | Gender Justice | News
How COVID-19 fuels the digital gender divide
It is high time to act and re-imagine our digital future in Asia.  
30.09.2021 | Climate change | News
South Korea’s plans for a just transition must be truly fair for all
South Korea is deemed to be relatively behind on climate policy. So much so that the country was considered a “climate villain” by international research institutes for its emissions. In 2020, the  
20.05.2021 | Gender Justice | News
Modest gains at risk: Afghan women face multi-dimensional challenges for economic participation
Worsening security conditions and societal polarization pose a risk to modest gains for gender justice. We explored three critical aspects.  
03.10.2017 | Future Hub | News
Youth and revolutions: The cases of Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines
Youth is once again called to the fore with the rise of authoritarianism in the region, their voices captured by contributors in this year’s second issue of SocDem Asia Quarterly journal, a joint  
05.11.2019 | Climate change | News
Women and climate change: Initializing gender-sensitive perspectives for Southeast Asia
Interview with Gotelind Alber on a genuine gender-sensitive climate transition for Southeast Asia.  
12.05.2020 | COVID-19 on South East Asia | Coronabrief
Philippines: COVID-19 crisis creates opportunity for basic income
With millions of workers in lockdown, the Philippine government has initiated several cash assistance programs to save both the lives and livelihoods of its citizen. An approach that might suggest  
A woman at a construction site. She is holding a shovel, wearing glasses, gloves and a hat.
21.12.2022 | Future of Work | News
Nepal’s unions assess their power resources through a worker’s lens
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Nepal and the Centre for Labour and Social Studies (CLASS) Nepal conduct first-ever power resource assessment of Nepalese trade union movement.  
27.04.2018 | Gender Justice | News
Unheard, Unseen, Unrecognized: Women in informal employment
Shalini Sinha of WIEGO, a global network focused on securing livelihoods for the working poor, talks about the need to think outside the box when it comes to supporting women in informal employment.  
27.09.2021 | Future of Work | News
Fragile dreams: Stories of migrant workers from the Philippines
Migrant workers from the Philippines leave home full of hopes and dreams; unknown to them are hidden costs of migration that can break their spirit. But help is sometimes at hand, at least for some  
Truck in industrial port area being let through customs
15.10.2018 | #CLSPlus, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Targeted sanctions can help the EU promote labour standards beyond its borders
The use of targeted sanction solves the main problem with blanket sanctions—the indiscriminate impact—while preserving the most advantageous feature: their deterrent effect.  
Search results 161 until 170 of 351