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399 results:
| Geopolitics and International Order | News
A geoeconomic tsunami
The reorganisation of the world economy is in full swing. To survive, not only companies but entire nations need to adapt their development models  
Hot masala milk tea is being poured from the pot to tea filter
| Future of Work, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Nepal’s tea industry: A cup of reality
Nepali tea has great international market potential as colleagues of FES Nepal learned during a recent visit to Jhapa (Eastern Nepal). However, challenges remain to fully realize the potential for  
Voters cast their votes at a polling station during election.
| Gender Justice | News
Fighting elections and gender inequality at the same time in Pakistan
Pakistani women have been striving for rights and representation along the history of Pakistan’s politics. What has been progress towards more gender equality? What could be the way to overcome  
| Geopolitics and International Order | News
Regional Lab: Geopolitics, Geoeconomics, and World Order
Great power rivalry has intensified in the Indo-Pacific region and there is urgent need to explore ways for countries to navigate the challenges. Thought leaders and experts from across the region  
| Gender Justice | News
Gender-Responsive Budgeting in Pakistan: Interview with Marion Boeker and Dr. Elisabeth Klatzer
Political economist and human rights experts underlined that any money spent in the current crises must focus on the needs of both women and men. FES Pakistan had a conversation with two of them  
| Geopolitics and International Order | News
India and Germany: Potential for collaborations towards a secure Indo-Pacific region
Prof C. Raja Mohan looks at India’s changing approach to China and reviews the possibilities for cooperation between India and Germany in reshaping Asian security and reordering the relations between  
| Economy of tomorrow | News
Bucking the middle-income trap threat
Dhaka (Bangladesh) – At a launch of a new study by FES and partners, experts discuss the Bangladesh transformative journey to avoid a middle-income trap.  
| Event, News
Video: "Missing Links – Making Trade Work for Workers"
Watch the debate at the European Parliament! Panellists, including Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström, explore how to strengthen the social dimension of trade.  
A photo of a man holding a shovel with a pile of bricks in the background
| Future of Work, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Breaking The Chains: How To Tackle Bonded Labour in Pakistan?
Get a glimpse of the hidden chains of modern slavery in Pakistan, as millions endure bonded labour. Explore the critical and courageous role of organizations like BLLF in providing support and legal  
| Geopolitics and International Order | News
A Singaporean perspective on the EU’s and Germany’s engagement with China
Singapore is significantly intertwined with both US and China - even as the rivalry between them increases. Dr Yeo Lay Hwee shares her observations on Singapore's geopolitical posture and locates it  
Search results 161 until 170 of 399