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581 results:
| Gender Justice | News
Modest gains at risk: Afghan women face multi-dimensional challenges for economic participation
Worsening security conditions and societal polarization pose a risk to modest gains for gender justice. We explored three critical aspects.  
| News
Education during the pandemic: Dimensions of the digital divide in Mongolia
As the schools were shut down, the government opted to replace in-class learning with various means of distance education. This has revealed the dimensions of the digital divide at a larger scale, to…  
| Geopolitics and International Order | News
The New Geopolitics of Eurasia
Greater Eurasia has always been subject to great power rivalries. A new map by FES puts the often-confusing multitude of smaller clashes, economic projects and political alliances into the wider…  
| Future of Work | News
Shaping the 2020s: Symposium and paper series for Workers' Future in Asia
Over the past year, FES worked together with 20 researchers from across Asia to analyse the challenges of workers in the region and develop visions for a future that supports socially just, inclusive…  
| Future of Work | Publication
Care work and digital platforms in South and Southeast Asia
What is the role of digital labour platforms in the future of care work?  
| Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Remodelling Bangladesh’s trade unions amid the pandemic
For four years, the Academy of Work has been training the next generation of trade union leaders in Bangladesh.  
| Gender Justice | Publication
Transformative change for gender equality
Our new guide explores feminist approaches to transformative change, extracts lessons to learn and provides tools and inspiration to bring feminist change to your day-to-day work.  
| News
Afghanistan amid transition and the prospects for peace
In our new season’s opening episode, we take a closer look at the latest developments in Afghanistan – the COVID-19 crisis, a difficult peace process, potential troop withdrawal and the future…  
| Gender Justice | News
The laborious challenge of enhancing women’s participation in India’s workforce
Indian women’s participation in the labour market is low and falling, despite numerous policies and interventions from government and other agencies. Nandita Mondal examines the issue from a societal…  
| Climate change | News
Southeast Asia’s plans to expand coal power are undermining the global energy shift
While many parts of the world are shifting away from fossil fuels, Southeast Asia remains a hot spot for coal expansion. A new report by Climate Analytics, supported by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung,…  
Search results 281 until 290 of 581