
Asia in Transformation: Visions and Policies for a Gender Just Future

The Asia-Pacific region is one the most diverse regions in the world in terms of politics, economy and culture. Despite significant economic growth and improved educational opportunities in recent decades, multiple socio-economic inequalities persist in the region, with ‘gender’ being a central axis of discrimination. While some countries have made significant progress in promoting gender justice, others still face considerable challenges. Issues such as wage gaps, workplace discrimination, limited safety nets, gender-based violence and underrepresentation persist in varying degrees.

To address these challenges,  transformative and sustainable change that fundamentally shifts power is required. One effective way to achieve this is by exploring and implementing transformative policies. Systemic change demands forward-thinking policies crafted to address the root causes of gender injustices comprehensively.

Against this background, in 2022, the FES Regional Gender Justice Project initiated a policy lab titled Rebuild beyond exploitation: Visions and policies for a gender just future. The policy lab aimed to assess the impacts of multiple crises on gender justice and envision a gender-just future for Asia. It convened policy analysts, trade unionist, academics, environmentalists, activists and other stakeholders from across Asia.

See more visual outputs from our Gender Justice Project, go to https://asia.fes.de/asia-in-transformation

FES Asia

Bringing together the work of our offices in the region, we provide you with the latest news on current debates, insightful research and innovative visual outputs on the future of work, geopolitics, gender justice, and social-ecological transformation.
