
15 results:
Traffic jam with hundreds of city taxi, buses and pedestrians of busy city road in Kolkata, India
| Economy of tomorrow | News
China-India exchange on electrical-vehicle technology could boost industry and sustainability
India shares many development challenges with other countries, in particular regarding the energy transition and its environmental sustainability. Dialogue and collaboration, for example with China,  
| Gender Justice | News
Women face double burden
Dhaka (Bangladesh) – The majority of women in Bangladesh still bear the double burden of paid work and unpaid care work.  
| Gender Justice | News
30 Years of the Beijing Platform for Action: A Visual Journey for Gender Justice
To celebrate three decades since the adoption of the Beijing Platform for Action in 1995, we gather insights from across the region on key milestones in gender equality, persistent barriers to  
| Feminist Frontiers | Blog
Geo-Economics and the Rocky Road of Gender Equality
Amid shifting geopolitical priorities and economic ambitions, gender justice often struggles to take centre stage. Can global powers reconcile their strategic and economic interests with the  
| Climate change | News
South Korea has given up on energy transition: Citizens must change the energy policy
An opinion piece by Dr. Hyejeong Kim, Sustainable Development Research Center in South Korea, on the South Korea's national energy policy: 11th Basic Plan for Electricity Supply and Demand.  
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