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504 results:
18.02.2019 | #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | News
“Let’s smash patriarchy one movie at a time”
A movie-rating app developed by a group of feminists from across Asia aims to give space for feminist critique of the mainstream movie industry in the region.  
15.02.2019 | Future of Work, #CLSPlus | Publication
Industrial policy for economic and social upgrading in developing countries
Without successful industrial policy, developing countries cannot catch up.  
Contrast in Jakarta downtown district with modern skyscrapers, a large mosque and a very crowded low income residential district in Indonesia capital city
01.02.2019 | Economy of tomorrow | News
The urban housing crises of Indonesia and Malaysia: Same-same but different
The large cities of Indonesia and Malaysia are no exception to the trend or rising poor and massive shortage in affordable housing and public services.  
26.01.2019 | Future Hub | News
Mongolia to combat hate speech in online media
Hate speech is rife on local news websites in Mongolia amid a lack of self-regulation of the newsroom and of media literacy among the public.  
15.01.2019 | Economy of tomorrow | News
How to put the “social” into smart cities?
A German delegation hosted by FES, visited Singapore to find out how the city state uses technology for creating a liveable city.  
Fresh uncooked shrimps piled up in a large tub for sale at a seafood store.
17.12.2018 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Fishy business
A first-person's account on the labour conditions in the shrimp industry in the Andaman Sea.  
16.12.2018 | Future Hub | News
Migration rules and regulations in one country cannot work alone
At a high-level ministerial meeting in Berlin, representatives of Germany and Indonesia back stronger international cooperation to tackle migration by democratic means.  
A woman in Myanmar with Thanaka powder on her face looking at camera
10.12.2018 | Gender Justice | News
Closer to the equality goal: We all should be feminists
Myanmar activist Nandar draws attention to violence against the female body through her work as translator and performer.  
21.11.2018 | #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | News
“Only long-term community activism leads to change”
The feminist network Political Feminism in Asia, a regional project by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, met in Penang to deliberate direction for joint action across the region.  
13.11.2018 | Gender Justice | News
Comics for critical thinking and social change
Comics are a serious and an entertaining medium that can boost efforts to address the complex topics of feminism and the future of work.  
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