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504 results:
12.11.2018 | Future Hub | News
Role play brings policy-making to life for youth leaders in Mongolia
Through a series of policy workshops in Mongolia, young political party supporters receive hands-on experience to work together and develop policy options for a range of scenarios.  
07.11.2018 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
As Vietnam revises labour law, FES and partners debate the opportunity to improve workers’ rights
The ongoing revision of Vietnam’s Labour Code is an opportunity to ensure workers’ rights are better protected in the economy of the 21st Century.  
A worker climbing up the construction of stadium roof
02.11.2018 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Mega-sporting events under a working conditions spotlight
Campaigns around mega-sporting events can support trade union work in the fight for better working conditions for migrant workers.  
364. Reform of skills systems needed in Asia  
Policies promoting the digital economy and transformation of manufacturing must incorporate the social and ecological interests, including those of workers and trade unions.  
24.10.2018 | Climate change | News
Building alliances for a just energy transition in Asia
FES Vietnam promotes collaborations to achieve fairness and leave no one behind in Vietnam’s energy shift.  
Two female warehouse workers using a laptop working at a storehouse.
16.10.2018 | Economy of tomorrow | News
Managing the labour market in an integrated ASEAN in the digital era
Smart factories and AI-augmented services have potential to cause massive disruption in the labour-intensive manufacturing and services sectors of Association of Southeast Asian Nation countries.  
Truck in industrial port area being let through customs
15.10.2018 | #CLSPlus, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Targeted sanctions can help the EU promote labour standards beyond its borders
The use of targeted sanction solves the main problem with blanket sanctions—the indiscriminate impact—while preserving the most advantageous feature: their deterrent effect.  
11.10.2018 | #CLSPlus, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Enforcing labour standards in trade agreements through a targeted approach to sanctions
Applying targeted sanctions to enforce labour standards in trade agreements and trade preferences can improve the incentive for compliance.  
A delivery man holds parcel box while using smartphone in a van.
10.10.2018 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Strengthened social partnership in ASEAN can support just digital transformation of the world of work
Technological innovation is changing the way business is managed and how work is organized, raising concerns for workers in all ten ASEAN countries.  
Aerial view of around a hundred of containers in a port
04.10.2018 | Cooperation for Peace and Security | News
Myanmar faces hard choices over the true cost of participation in China’s Belt and Road Initiative
Initially embracing the opportunity to participate in China’s BRI, Myanmar is now sounding a note of caution about its exposure to Beijing’s projects and financing.  
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