Working group on Social Security

Addressing Economic Inequality Through Social Security

Despite advances in social protection, the pandemic revealed significant gaps in coverage and adequacy worldwide. The pandemic and recent economic crises have highlighted the inadequate protection for billions of people, severely impacted by the socio-economic shockwaves, underscoring the need for more comprehensive and inclusive social protection systems. The Social Security Working Group advocates for inclusive social protection measures that create opportunities for work without exploitation.


Social security for all

Social security for all

Implementing social security measures for transformative change
Kathmandu, 2024

Download publication (22 MB, PDF-File)

Policy brief

Addressing economic inequality through social security

Addressing economic inequality through social security

A transformative approach to supporting vulnerable populations
Kathmandu, 2024

Download publication (115 KB, PDF-File)

Working Group Members

Dr. Aliya Hashmi Khan, a retired Professor of Economics from Quaid-i-Azam University, has significantly influenced academia and policymaking in Pakistan. She has served on key advisory councils, including the Prime Minister’s Economic Advisory Council, and led the National Poverty Estimation Committee. Currently a Syndicate Member at Rawalpindi Women University, she also works with international bodies on labour and gender issues and received the President’s Medal for her contributions to education and women's empowerment.

Gayatri Sharma is the Gender Adviser at FES India, with over 18 years of NGO experience. Formerly the Program Director at Women Power Connect, she holds an LL.M from the University of Warwick in Gender, Law, and Development. Sharma specializes in violence against women and children and has led trainings on key legislation, including the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act and the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act.

Adhiraj Regmi is a youth political activist associated with Nepali Congress.

Munkhtsatsral Davaadorj is the Project Manager of FES Mongolia. Since 2022, she has managed Geopolitics, Gender, and Communications and coordinates yearly scholarship projects for students in Mongolia. Her gender work focuses on gender mainstreaming in peace and security, addressing Women, Peace and Security (WPS) issues and women’s participation in peacebuilding. She has studied Business Management, Sociology, and holds a Bachelor degree of Laws.

Rina Julvianty is the Program Coordinator of the FES Indonesia Office. Her focus areas include social security, gender, and the social protection of persons with disability and elderly.

Dina Nuriyati is an Indonesian activist with a background in human rights, gender, and migration. A former migrant domestic worker in Hong Kong, she founded the Indonesian Migrant Workers Union in 2005 and currently serves on its Advisory Board. She consults on research projects, including a recent ILO-supported initiative to enhance gender-responsive services for migrant workers.

Ume Laila Azhar is the Executive Director of a civil society organization called HomeNet Pakistan, an organization working for the rights and recognition of women in the informal economy through organizing and mobilizing women for collective bargaining and for better working conditions.

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