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581 results:
| Climate change | Publication
Summary: Designing mobility for liveable and social cities
Four case studies explore the state of mobility in Asia’s megacities.  
Women in Central Java Indonesia
| Climate change | News
How gender blindness undermines ambitious climate action
Women and girls represent half of the world’s population, yet their invaluable contributions in tackling climate change are still unrecognized. This year’s International Women’s Day is a reminder…  
Fisherfolk of Chennai | © Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung / Shruthi Kulkarni
| Climate change | News
Chennai’s pursuit towards a green and inclusive city
Rapid urbanisation in Chennai is leaving the city's vulnerable susceptible to effects of unplanned growth and climate change.  
A woman selling fruits, vegetables and toys on a sidewalk of a street in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
| Gender Justice | News
COVID-19 threatens Vietnam’s progress on gender equality
Vietnam has made great efforts in providing a comprehensive legal framework to protect women's and children's rights. But violence against women and girls in practice remains a challenging issue, and…  
| Climate change | Publication
Jakarta: Designing mobility for liveable and social cities
Once among the four most congested cities globally, Jakarta's mobility system is showing signs of improvement. Elisa Sutanudjaja analyses the socio-ecological challenges and opportunities in…  
Woman working in a little shop in central square of Bhaktapur
| Future of Work | News
Supporting women’s involvement in Nepalese trade unions
"For trade unions to be key players in this changing world of work, they need to understand and reflect the workforce they represent," argues Marta Ochoa in her interview with FES Nepal.  
Commuters queue as they wait to board a UV Express van in a PUV terminal at SM North EDSA, Quezon City.
| Climate change | News
Metro Manila in the new normal: A call for access and mobility
As one of the world's most congested cities, Metro Manila faces increasing challenges to its urban development, highlighting issues of livability and social justice.  
| Future Hub | News
COVID-19 and education in Asia: Is privatisation a driver of inequality?
Education in Asia is becoming increasingly privatised and commercialised. To learn more about the impacts and future trends of the sector, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Nepal spoke with Education…  
| Geopolitics and International Order | News
India in the New Geopolitics of Asia
India has become a major player in world affairs. It is in the midst of a geopolitical repositioning as it navigates its place in the evolving regional and global order. Eminent Indian experts and…  
| Climate change | Publication
Hanoi: Designing mobility for liveable and social cities
New case study provides an overview of Hanoi’s mobility system and recommends measures to raise liveability and ecological sustainability in the Vietnamese capital.  
Search results 211 until 220 of 581