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581 results:
| Geopolitics and International Order | Vlog
Unpacked with Sayo Saruta
Japan and many Asian countries could be the theatre of conflict in the event of an accident or mishap in the context of the intensifying geopolitical tensions in the region. Sayo Saruta, Director of…  
| Climate change | Publication
Bengaluru: Designing mobility for liveable and social cities
Urban mobility specialist Dr Yamini Jain portrays Bengaluru’s mobility sector and the city’s efforts to shift to safe, inclusive, affordable, equitable, and sustainable mobility.  
| Geopolitics and International Order | News
An innovative platform for futures thinking: FES Asia kicks off new regional expert group
2021 marked the launch of the new FES Asia geopolitics programme. A key pillar is the FES Asia Strategic Foresight Group, an interdisciplinary network of thought leaders from 20 countries in Asia and…  
| Geopolitics and International Order | Vlog
Unpacked with Dr Shafiah Muhibat
The EU and Indonesia have a history of engagement and cooperation covering a wide range of development and economic cooperation. Dr Shafiah Muhibat, Head of the Department of International Relations…  
| Geopolitics and International Order | News
Reinventing connectivity for a post-COVID recovery: 13th Asia-Europe Meeting Summit
The COVID-19 pandemic has been eroding multilateralism and connectivity; principles that are needed the most to ensure a rapid and just recovery. These two related topics were the focus of the 13th…  
| Geopolitics and International Order | News
Geopolitics of Critical Infrastructure in Asia
Over the last decade, Asia has seen enormous physical and digital infrastructure connectivity projects. They have become both key pillars and levers of competition and cooperation. To unpack the…  
| Geopolitics and International Order | Vlog
Unpacked with Lisa Curtis | Ep. 19
The United States and the European Union have increasingly focused their strategic attention on the Indo-Pacific and continue to foster dialogue and coordination as transatlantic partners. Lisa…  
| News
More than just a number: the rising value of high-prestige digits in modern Mongolia
Fascination with auspicious numbers is common in Asian cultures. In Mongolia, phone numbers have become a symbol of the widening gap between the rich and the poor. Some can be sold for as much as an…  
| Climate change | News
To really leave no one behind
Hanoi's migrant manual workers keep the city running, but their already precarious work and living conditions have worsened during the pandemic.  
| Climate change | News
A new paradigm for Asia's cities
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Asia launches an interactive map that lets viewers explore the current state of social and ecological development in eight cities across the region.  
Search results 221 until 230 of 581