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399 results:
Portrait photo of a woman worker in a tea plant in Bangladesh
| Future of Work, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
New collective bargaining skills help Bangladesh’s tea picker fight for fair conditions
Workers in Bangladesh’s renowned tea plantations have been fighting injustice and exploitation for more than a century. Trade unions have made some recent progress in improving their working  
| Climate change, Gender Justice | News
Life lessons from the beautiful game
At this match, "the Ball" is not only for kicking, but is also about forging solidarity between people to take action for a better world. Vietnamese students enjoyed a unique learning experience  
| Climate change | News
Climate Change-induced migration: Despair and Dreams
The devastation of climate change is widespread. But organisations such as FES Bangladesh, YouthNet for Climate Justice, and others are offering hope for the climate migrants through stirring the  
an image of a dark room filled with crowd and a huge human face at the background
| Future of Work | News
Platform algorithms: A new stage of labor exploitation
The age when algorithms control humans. How true is it? The destructive controlling aspect of platform algorithms reveals the true nature of platform capitalism. Platform companies leverage and  
| Future of Work, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
How to stop Vietnamese workers cashing out of social security
Why are people in Vietnam increasingly quitting social security system? Labour representative, Vu Minh Tien, looks at pressures driving this trend in recent years and outlines urgent steps to reduce  
| Cross-cutting regional issues, #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | News
FES Human Rights Award 2023
The Afghan human rights activist Shaharzad Akbar has been advocating for an inclusive and democratic future for Afghanistan since her youth. Born in northern Afghanistan in 1987, her childhood was  
| Climate change | News
City Of Dreams
The urbanization of our world needs a concept. Cities are excellent actors in climate adaptation. Unveiling pathways forward at COP28.  
| Geopolitics and International Order | News
Map of the geopolitical competition in the Indo-Pacific
The geopolitical map of the Indo-pacific looks very different if looked at from the perspectives of Beijing or Washington. Our map visualizes the main fault lines and potential flash-points.  
| Climate change | Publication
Gender in a just urban transition: Discussion paper
What can be done to ensure current gaps in equality and inclusion are no longer overlooked or unaddressed? Explore the challenges and opportunities of a pathway to achieve just transitions in cities  
| Future Hub | News
Nepal's Road to Democracy: A Reflection
Nepal recently celebrated its 74th Democracy Day. The country has come a long way in terms of consolidating democracy and establishing inclusive rule of law. However, the gap between implementation  
Search results 381 until 390 of 399