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581 results:
| Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Increasing workers’ protection in ASEM | 10th Asia-Europe Labour Forum
An important mission of the international union movement is to increase its participation in global governance and convey the views and concerns of workers from Asia and Europe. In their dialogue…  
| Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Social protection for all people in Asia and Europe
The potential of Social Protection Floors to eradicate poverty and to balance economic and social uncertainties has been reaffirmed by its prominent role in the Sustainable Development Goals of the…  
| Gender Justice | Publication
Projected Gender Impact of the ASEAN Economic Community
How will the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), in place since 2015, affect the socio-economic opportunities for women in the region? The study at hand takes up this question by investigating and…  
| News
FES Office for Regional Cooperation in Asia welcomes its new Director
The FES Office for Regional Cooperation in Asia welcomes its new Director, Adrienne Woltersdorf. After almost four years, the previous Director Julia Mueller is leaving to continue work in the FES…  
| Cooperation for Peace and Security | News
Voices of Migration from Afghanistan
A new series of publications by FES Afghanistan and the Afghanistan Analysts Network puts in context the security situation of the region with the rising outward migration by Afghans.  
| Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Young workers in Asia get organised
Young workers affiliated to the International Transport Federation have expressed their concern over the growing trend of precarious work arrangements which are placing workers outside of the…  
| Gender Justice | News
Interview: Asia scores low on labour law protection for domestic workers
Over 35% of the domestic workers worldwide are accounted for in Asia where the Philippines remains the only country to ratify international labour standards for their protection. Changes are brewing…  
| Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Workers uniting across gender: priority at BWI’s global conference
In Kathmandu, Building and Woodworkers International and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung bring together women trade unionists to pave the road for integrating gender issues in worker’s organizing.  
| Economy of tomorrow | Publication
Escaping the middle income trap in Indonesia: an analysis of risks, remedies and national characteristics
Since the early 1990s Indonesia has been a lower-middle income country that gained international recognition as an attractive emerging market for investment and trade.  
| #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | Publication
Feminism and the Women Movement in Pakistan
The study captures the history and current debates of the feminist movement in Pakistan today.  
Search results 571 until 580 of 581