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581 results:
| Climate change | News
No more justification for banking on coal
Bonn (Germany) – Interview with Nithi Nesaduria, member of the South-East Asia delegation attending the latest round of climate change talks by the United Nations (UN) from 6-17 November  
Photo by Muhammad Pascal Fajrin, CC BY-SA 4.0 from Wikimedia Commons
| Economy of tomorrow | News
“Urban space cannot be fragmented into commodities”
Jakarta (Indonesia) – Using, appropriating and managing the city is at the very heart of our collective existence, says Marco Kusumawijaya, architect, urban planner and activist, in an interview for…  
| Climate change | News
Local projects key to renewable energy push in the Philippines
Manila (Philippines) – The prospect of democratizing energy for Filipino families burns brighter as leaders from local government units gear up for promoting excellent programs.  
| Future Hub | News
Bangladesh’s university reforms should prioritize quality and encompass the private sector
Dhaka (Bangladesh) – Public and private sectors should be included in the design and implementation of any reforms to address the issues around quality of higher education in Bangladesh.  
| Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
ASEAN tripartite partners meet to promote stronger social partnership
Manila (Philippines) – In the face of a rapidly-changing labour market, the Regional Tripartite Social Dialogue Conference (RTSDC) was held last week to promote social partnership.  
Crowd of people walking in a street market of Yangon, Myanmar. Some guys stand by the stalls, while other walk and ride bicycle. The Shwedagon Pagoda, the main city temple, is visible in the background. Warm sunlight illuminates the scene through palm trees.
| Cooperation for Peace and Security | News
Challenges on all fronts: The many dimensions of Myanmar’s multiple transitions
Yangoon (Myanmar) – Will democracy in Myanmar have to live with military prerogatives, tutelary power and civilian-military power-sharing in the times to come?  
| #CLSPlus, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Making trade benefit workers
Geneva (Switzerland) – Global trade has triggered challenges for workers’ rights and how to address them was the focus of a session by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung at the 2017 WTO Public Forum.  
| Climate change | News
"A socially just energy transition involves everybody"
Hanoi (Vietnam) – Renewable energy is likely to become increasingly important to the economies of Asia as they address energy security and environmental concerns.  
| Gender Justice | News
Female trade unionists, ready to take over leadership positions
Singapore – Young women rarely hold leadership positions in trade unions, a reality akin to workers organizing across Asia and bound to change with a mentoring programme for female trade unionists…  
| Climate change | Publication
Promoting Socially and Economically Just Energy Transformations in Asia
A comprehensive overview of the most important political and social factors, the commonalities and differences, that drive—but also hamper—socially just energy transitions across eight countries in…  
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