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580 results:
| Geopolitics and International Order | News
Pakistan Geoeconomic Pivot: Conversation with Dr. Moeed Yusuf
Understand how Pakistan can leverage geoeconomics to strengthen its economy and address geopolitical challenges in the video series by FES Pakistan.  
| Geopolitics and International Order | News
Exclusive interview: Adapting Pakistan’s development model to geoeconomic disruption
Marc Saxer interviewed Dr. Moeed W. Yusuf on how Pakistan can pivot to a better suited development model.  
| Geopolitics and International Order | News
From a security to developmental state: Pakistan's adaptation to geoeconomic disruptions
“Pakistan’s economy is deeply intertwined with both US and China: divorce from either camp would be tantamount to cutting off a limb,” Moeed W. Yusuf explores why and how Pakistan has come up with a…  
| Geopolitics and International Order | News
Interview: Adapting the South Korean development model to geoeconomic disruptions
Prof. Kim Heungchong answered the questions surrounding the way forward of South Korea in the face of geoeconomic disruptions.  
| Geopolitics and International Order | News
Thailand in the Geopolitics of Asia: Four Scenarios and Strategic Options
Thailand faces a crucial moment as the political and economic center moves to Asia. Diverse Thai stakeholders gathered and came up with strategy options that could help Thailand navigates through…  
| Geopolitics and International Order | News
Binary or zero-sum discourse risks ignoring the realities of the development of countries like Malaysia
"There is no clear consensus of whether the ongoing trade war results in a net negative for Malaysia." In the midst of this uncertainty, Harris Zainul proposes nuanced approaches through which…  
| Future Hub | News
Party politics in South Korea after electoral “Judgment Day”
On 10 April, the people of South Korea passed a harsh judgment on the existing political forces, in the country’s 22nd general election. The governing party was under scrutiny. Real progressive…  
| Gender Justice | News
Stories of Resilience: Women Councilors' Journeys in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Interviews which showcase the women's experiences, achievements, impact to local governments in Pakistan and women's empowerment in leadership positions  
79. Interactive Map  
Explore the current state of social and ecological development in eight cities across Asia.  
| Geopolitics and International Order | News
Adapting development models to geoeconomic disruptions: Reflections on Singapore’s development
Singapore, a major beneficiary of globalization who is heavily invested in both China and the West, is being threatened by the potential bifurcation of the global economy. Dr Yeo Lay Hwee points out…  
Search results 71 until 80 of 580