Gender Justice Hub Asia

Transformative change for gender equality

Our new guide explores feminist approaches to transformative change, extracts lessons to learn and provides tools and inspiration to bring feminist change to your day-to-day work.

Feminists and women’s rights activists around the world have been taking bold steps to advance gender equality. There is much to be learned from their innovative and thoughtful ways of shifting the status-quo. Therefore, the FES Gender Justice Hub Asia set out to identify feminist strategies to transform patriarchal structures in politics, the economy and social spheres.

One thing all these strategies have in common is that they are challenging existing power structures – on different levels and in different ways. In the guide Transformative Change for Gender Equality: Learning from Feminist Strategies authors Rowan Harvey and Chloe Safier explore these patterns of transformative change and extract lessons to learn for those who are committed to support change towards gender equality.

The guide is an invitation: for a conversation about strategies for transformative change for gender justice and to learn from each other’s experiences. We all have ambitious goals, but sometimes it can be hard to see where to start. By sharing experiences through inspiring feminist case studies and providing tools to bring feminist change to your day-to-day work, we hope this guide will prove helpful in taking steps – big and small – on the way to a more gender just future.

Download the full guide for free:

Transformative change for gender equality

Harvey, Rowan; Safier, Chloe

Transformative change for gender equality

Learning from feminist strategies
Kathmandu, 2021

Download publication (670 KB, PDF-File)

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