Navigating the New Geopolitics of Asia

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Asia has traditionally been subject to global and regional power rivalries. In the 21st century, it will likely be caught in a contest for political dominance, military power and economic influence. The future global order will be decisively shaped in the Asia-Pacific region. Geopolitics and geoeconomics will play out in multiple dimensions and produce complex patterns of competition, conflict, cooperation and (dis-)integration, all unfolding at the same time. A “strategic new normal” is taking form, characterized by uncertainty, exceptional disruption and unprecedented change.

Our newest regional project analyses major regional and global dynamics at play in the context of this change. It offers a platform for countries to unpack ideas and strategies on how to manage these geopolitical challenges and successfully navigate in an uncertain environment. The project puts a special emphasis on small, landlocked and least-developed countries and their national development paths.

Jointly with a pan-Asian group of senior experts from Afghanistan in the west to Japan in the east and from Mongolia in the north to Australia in the south, the project seeks to develop innovative solutions and policies with a diverse set of stakeholders and create new avenues for a structured and interdisciplinary exchange between decision makers and experts from Asia and Europe.

The programme will focus on a broad range of issues, including the future of multilateralism, regional integration and collective security, connectivity, trade, supply routes, resources, artificial intelligence and technological supremacy in the age of digital capitalism. It will take into perspective how the rules and terms of the international order are renegotiated in the coming years.

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Note: The image below is one of our graphic scenarios reflecting beyond the linear projection of the future to take into consideration issues that have not fully come into play but are starting to fester. There are several more of these scenarios that explored strategic options at the regional level. Please click on the image to read and find out more. 

To find out more about our regional programme and all of our events on the New Geopolitics of Asia, visit our Regional and National Labs section or check out the latest news and publications below:

Publications and videos

26.07.2024 | New Geopolitics of Asia | News

From a security to developmental state: Pakistan's adaptation to geoeconomic disruptions

“Pakistan’s economy is deeply intertwined with both US and China: divorce from either camp would be tantamount to cutting off a limb,” Moeed W. Yusuf...


15.07.2024 | New Geopolitics of Asia | News

Interview: Adapting the South Korean development model to geoeconomic disruptions

Prof. Kim Heungchong answered the questions surrounding the way forward of South Korea in the face of geoeconomic disruptions.


11.07.2024 | New Geopolitics of Asia | News

Thailand in the Geopolitics of Asia: Four Scenarios and Strategic Options

Thailand faces a crucial moment as the political and economic center moves to Asia. Diverse Thai stakeholders gathered and came up with strategy...


10.07.2024 | New Geopolitics of Asia | News

Binary or zero-sum discourse risks ignoring the realities of the development of countries like Malaysia

"There is no clear consensus of whether the ongoing trade war results in a net negative for Malaysia." In the midst of this uncertainty, Harris Zainul...


24.06.2024 | New Geopolitics of Asia | News

Adapting development models to geoeconomic disruptions: Reflections on Singapore’s development

Singapore, a major beneficiary of globalization who is heavily invested in both China and the West, is being threatened by the potential bifurcation...


16.05.2024 | New Geopolitics of Asia | News

Regional Lab: Adapting development models to geoeconomic disruption

Guided by innovative methodologies, members and friends of the FES Asia Strategic Foresight Group discussed how Asian economies and societies can best...


21.02.2024 | New Geopolitics of Asia | News

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Geopolitical Situation in Asia with Marc Saxer by TenGer TV, Mongolia

"It’s all about these redlines in times of instability and uncertainty", said Marc Saxer, FES Asia's Regional Director.


14.02.2024 | New Geopolitics of Asia | News

Map of the geopolitical competition in the Indo-Pacific

The geopolitical map of the Indo-pacific looks very different if looked at from the perspectives of Beijing or Washington. Our map visualizes the main...


Dr Marina Rudyak | New Geopolitics of Asia | Publication

China’s international development cooperation: History, development finance apparatus, and case studies from Africa

Explore how China is increasingly proactive in promoting its development and modernisation model and its approach to international relations as a...


Moeed Yusuf and Rabia Akhtar | New Geopolitics of Asia | Publication

Pakistan's geoeconomic pivot: Strategies, opportunities, and challenges

The report explores the concept of geoeconomics in Pakistan’s context, the broadening of the definition of national security, and connectivity and...


10.11.2023 | New Geopolitics of Asia | News

The rekindled appetite for an Asian Monetary Fund: A China perspective

The renewed interest in an Asian Monetary Fund is a continuation of existing regional currency cooperation since the 1997 Asian financial crisis....


10.11.2023 | New Geopolitics of Asia | News

Nepal in the Geopolitics of Asia: Four Scenarios and Policy Options

Nepal is wedged between two powers: China and India. As great power rivalry spills over in the region, Nepal finds itself increasingly constrained....


08.11.2023 | New Geopolitics of Asia | News

Pakistan’s geoeconomic pivot: strategies, opportunities, and challenges

Pakistan's National Security Policy addresses the country’s particular geopolitical situation, including a new geo-economic focus. It offers a fresh...


a graphic image showing an Asian man with glasses and texts that say Asian Monetary Fund and Malaysia
20.10.2023 | New Geopolitics of Asia | News

The rekindled appetite for an Asian Monetary Fund: A Malaysia perspective

The idea to set up an Asian Monetary Fund (AMF) has been revived after 30 years by Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim amid increasing worries...


29.09.2023 | New Geopolitics of Asia | News

The rekindled appetite for an Asian Monetary Fund: A Japan perspective

The idea of an Asian Monetary Fund has been regaining traction among the economies of the Indo-Pacific region, nearly 30 years since it was proposed...


20.09.2023 | New Geopolitics of Asia | News

India in the geopolitics of Asia: Four scenarios and policy options

Great power competition has intensified in the Indo-Pacific region; India is in the centre of these geopolitical and geoeconomic push and pulls....


14.09.2023 | New Geopolitics of Asia | News

Exclusive interview: Myanmar’s shifted geopolitical posture after the coup

How does geopolitical competition impact the trajectory of Myanmar? What roles do China, Russia, India as well the neighbors play? In our exclusive...


01.09.2023 | New Geopolitics of Asia | News

US-China strategic rivalry, South Korea’s strategic choices, and implications for German and South Korea cooperation

The US-China strategic rivalry has placed South Korea in a difficult position. Prof Chung-in Moon takes a look at the country’s domestic debates and...


31.08.2023 | New Geopolitics of Asia | News

A Singaporean perspective on the EU’s and Germany’s engagement with China

Singapore is significantly intertwined with both US and China - even as the rivalry between them increases. Dr Yeo Lay Hwee shares her observations on...


21.07.2023 | New Geopolitics of Asia | News

India and Germany: Potential for collaborations towards a secure Indo-Pacific region

Prof C. Raja Mohan looks at India’s changing approach to China and reviews the possibilities for cooperation between India and Germany in reshaping...


13.06.2023 | New Geopolitics of Asia | News

Regional Lab: Geopolitics, Geoeconomics, and World Order

Great power rivalry has intensified in the Indo-Pacific region and there is urgent need to explore ways for countries to navigate the challenges....


03.04.2023 | New Geopolitics of Asia | News

A geoeconomic tsunami

The reorganisation of the world economy is in full swing. To survive, not only companies but entire nations need to adapt their development models


Rajeshwari Krishnamurthy and Richard Ghiasy | New Geopolitics of Asia | Publication

The transitioning security order in the Indo-Pacific

The Transitioning Security Order in the Indo-Pacific is report that analyses the changing the security order/s of the region and provides some...


30.01.2023 | New Geopolitics of Asia | News

Pakistan in the New Geopolitics of Asia

Pakistani experts convene to analyse major regional and global dynamics at play and provide strategies on how the country can manage geopolitical...


Preview of FES Asia geopolitics highlights 2022
| New Geopolitics of Asia | News

2022 Highlights: Navigating the New Geopolitics of Asia

2022 marked another successful year of our regional programme on the new geopolitics of Asia. These are our highlights.




Marc Saxer
Director, FES Office for Regional Cooperation in Asia


Dinkim Sailo
Senior Programme Manager


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