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480 results:
24.07.2020 | #CLSPlus, Trade, labour and social dialogue | Publication
Catching up in a time of constraints
The complicated interaction between industrial policy and the constraint of an ever-tighter corset of rules under the World Trade Organization, free trade agreements and bilateral investment  
21.06.2022 | Geopolitics and International Order | News
Asia’s growing sense of a European pull back since Ukraine
Lay Hwee Yeo answers questions about the larger implications of the war in Ukraine on the Asia-Pacific region.  
10.11.2023 | Geopolitics and International Order | News
Nepal in the Geopolitics of Asia: Four Scenarios and Policy Options
Nepal is wedged between two powers: China and India. As great power rivalry spills over in the region, Nepal finds itself increasingly constrained. Prominent experts and thought leaders from across  
24.10.2018 | Climate change | News
Building alliances for a just energy transition in Asia
FES Vietnam promotes collaborations to achieve fairness and leave no one behind in Vietnam’s energy shift.  
06.07.2021 | Geopolitics and International Order | News
The New Geopolitics of Asia
A year and a half into the pandemic, the systemic implications of the crisis are engendering major shifts and, some will argue, sowed the seeds for transformative political, economic and social  
21.02.2024 | Geopolitics and International Order | News
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Geopolitical Situation in Asia with Marc Saxer by TenGer TV, Mongolia
"It’s all about these redlines in times of instability and uncertainty", said Marc Saxer, FES Asia's Regional Director.  
07.01.2018 | Future Hub | News
FES in Asia, achievements and aspirations
At the turn of the year we summarize past highlights to celebrate and aspirations for the year ahead in the work with partners and friends by FES in Asia.  
Shot of an unrecognizable woman holding a notepad written "WE ARE ALL EQUAL!" in the city
23.10.2016 | Gender Justice | News
Closing the Gender Gap in Asia
Policies that advance gender equality are central to the work towards social democracy.  
119. Why Asia needs ‘just climate finance’  
We are now facing not just a climate crisis, but also an inequality crisis. COP27 must address both challenges by financing a just climate transition.  
11.11.2021 | Climate change | News
A new paradigm for Asia's cities
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Asia launches an interactive map that lets viewers explore the current state of social and ecological development in eight cities across the region.  
Search results 111 until 120 of 480