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480 results:
29.03.2018 | Gender Justice | News
Trade unions in transformation: Reasserting union strength in Asia
Trade union power is often described as fading away under the pressures of globalized markets and closing civic spaces. A photo story from a conference with trade unions from Asia and Global Union  
16.09.2024 | Geopolitics and International Order | News
Philippines in the Geopolitics of Asia: Four Scenarios and Strategic Options
Amidst the escalating US-China tensions, the Philippines faces a dilemma regarding which side to pick, and is politically and economically susceptible to foreign influence and elite capture. Experts  
25.07.2018 | Gender Justice, #FeministAsia | News
Feminism under construction: A push for new alliances in Asia
FES helps building new alliances that can bring feminist visions into the mainstream.  
05.06.2020 | Cross-cutting regional issues | Coronabrief
Building power: A just and sustainable recovery in Asia
Improvements in environmental indicators due to COVID-19 present an unprecedented opportunity for an economic transformation which is ecologically sustainable and socially just. Building power  
16.06.2017 | Gender Justice, #FeministAsia | News
New Asia-wide platform for feminist dialogue
Singapore (Singapore)—Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung starts FutureLab to unite feminists across Asia through a regional platform  
29.04.2020 | Cross-cutting regional issues | Coronabrief
COVID-19 and refugees in Asia: A crisis waiting to happen
Governments, funders and humanitarian agencies must act now to save lives and mitigate the potentially catastrophic impacts of COVID-19 on refugee and host communities throughout the Asia-Pacific  
29.06.2022 | Geopolitics and International Order | News
Pakistan and the new geopolitical order in Asia
The Asia-Pacific is one of the most strategically contested areas on the globe. The superpower confrontation comes with a multitude of challenges and opportunities for middle powers like Pakistan.  
29.05.2017 | Climate change | News
Shaping up for climate action in Asia
To mitigate climate change, Asia needs to undergo a transition towards a low-carbon economy suggests the climate team of FES in Asia, since May with a new coordinator heading up the team’s efforts  
07.02.2023 | Future of Work, Economy of tomorrow | News
Vietnamese students strive for more advanced skills and decent work in the context of Industry 4.0
In the era of automation and digitization, qualification and training requirements for workers are undergoing drastic changes. Candidates, especially young people, are expected to meet different  
20.09.2023 | Geopolitics and International Order | News
India in the geopolitics of Asia: Four scenarios and policy options
Great power competition has intensified in the Indo-Pacific region; India is in the centre of these geopolitical and geoeconomic push and pulls. Prominent Indian experts and thought leaders convened  
Search results 81 until 90 of 480