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480 results:
03.05.2017 | Future Hub | News
Concerns over emigration and democracy dominate youth debate in Nepal
Kathmandu (Nepal) – The drain on Nepal’s workforce from emigration and the state of the country’s democracy were among topics raised by at a youth forum at FES Nepal, held to welcome the new country  
30.04.2024 | Climate change | News
Just Transition in COP 28 and Bangladesh experience sharing to global community
For the first time, at COP 28 Bangladesh shared its own experience of the Just Transition and its impact on the working class. Dr S M Morshed, Vice Chairperson of Bangladesh OSHE Foundation, recaps  
A photo of a man holding a shovel with a pile of bricks in the background
14.08.2023 | Future of Work, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Breaking The Chains: How To Tackle Bonded Labour in Pakistan?
Get a glimpse of the hidden chains of modern slavery in Pakistan, as millions endure bonded labour. Explore the critical and courageous role of organizations like BLLF in providing support and legal  
27.09.2021 | Geopolitics and International Order | Vlog
Unpacked with Prof Dr Pham Quang Minh | Ep 16
Vietnam plays a key role in the evolving geopolitics of Asia. Professor Pham Quang Minh, former dean of the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University, discusses the  
08.03.2017 | Gender Justice | News
“Women are no cars!”
New Delhi (India) – With investments for strong workers organising, gender equality laws and policies to address issues of violence or care work are possible.  
22.06.2017 | #CLSPlus, Trade, labour and social dialogue | Publication
Conditional or promotional trade agreements – Is enforcement possible?
This publication examines social or labour chapters in trade agreements, explores the reasons for their ineffectiveness and provides policy recommendations regarding the ongoing inclusion of labour  
Hot masala milk tea is being poured from the pot to tea filter
12.04.2023 | Future of Work, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Nepal’s tea industry: A cup of reality
Nepali tea has great international market potential as colleagues of FES Nepal learned during a recent visit to Jhapa (Eastern Nepal). However, challenges remain to fully realize the potential for  
08.08.2022 | Future of Work | Publication
Working Korea 2022
An analysis of the current state of the South Korean labour market.  
20.07.2017 | #CLSPlus, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
The future of the Cambodian garment and footwear Industry
Phnom Penh (Cambodia) – Reforming international trade agreements and preferential schemes are an important tool to overcome serious challenges the industry faces.  
16.11.2017 | Climate change | News
Local projects key to renewable energy push in the Philippines
Manila (Philippines) – The prospect of democratizing energy for Filipino families burns brighter as leaders from local government units gear up for promoting excellent programs.  
Search results 151 until 160 of 480