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480 results:
A photo of a woman holding small flags and the background is full of country flags.
15.08.2023 | Economy of tomorrow | News
FES Bangladesh's Economy of Tomorrow Fellowships Alumna and Her New York Summer School Experience
Halima Binte Islam told us that the FES New York Summer School was not just a series of lectures; it was a transformative experience that fueled her passion and paved the way for a future dedicated  
23.06.2016 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Young workers in Asia get organised
Young workers affiliated to the International Transport Federation have expressed their concern over the growing trend of precarious work arrangements which are placing workers outside of the  
24.03.2020 | Cross-cutting regional issues | Coronabrief
The many faces of COVID-19 in Asia
All realms of public life in Asia will be affected by the most severe pandemic in our lifetimes thus far.  
25.03.2021 | Gender Justice | News
The laborious challenge of enhancing women’s participation in India’s workforce
Indian women’s participation in the labour market is low and falling, despite numerous policies and interventions from government and other agencies. Nandita Mondal examines the issue from a societal  
19.08.2024 | Climate change | News
How to finance a Just Transition in Asia
Discussion with climate experts on how can the Loss and Damage Fund be allocated, disbursed and accessed by vulnerable communities  
Publication cover mockup of FES research on Enforcing Respect for Labour Standards with Targeted Sanctions
25.09.2018 | #CLSPlus, Trade, labour and social dialogue | Publication
Enforcing respect for Asia's labour standards with targeted sanctions inspired by EU
By introducing a targeted approach to sanctions, inspired by the European Union’s Common Foreign and Security Policy, it is indeed possible to advance the enforcement of labour standards in  
Covers of 4 publications in FES paper series: COVID-19 crisis and women in Asia
19.12.2022 | Gender Justice | Publication
COVID-19 crisis and women in Asia
Gender-specific impacts, policy responses and women’s agency in context of the COVID-19 pandemic in Asia.  
05.11.2019 | Climate change | News
Women and climate change: Initializing gender-sensitive perspectives for Southeast Asia
Interview with Gotelind Alber on a genuine gender-sensitive climate transition for Southeast Asia.  
09.12.2021 | Geopolitics and International Order | News
An innovative platform for futures thinking: FES Asia kicks off new regional expert group
2021 marked the launch of the new FES Asia geopolitics programme. A key pillar is the FES Asia Strategic Foresight Group, an interdisciplinary network of thought leaders from 20 countries in Asia and  
01.05.2023 | Future of Work | News
International Workers' Day 2023: Empowering Workers' Voices across Asia
We are recognizing workers in various sectors and industries across Asia. Their stories are the testament to the reality of their life and work conditions. There is no better way to learn how to  
Search results 61 until 70 of 480