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480 results:
19.05.2020 | Cross-cutting regional issues | Coronabrief
Markers of identity: Asia’s cultural heritage in times of COVID-19
Often overlooked, workers in the tourism sector are now facing severe social challenges owing to the closing of UNESCO heritage sites and the absence of international tourists. At the same time, the  
14.01.2021 | Gender Justice | News
Women and girls across Asia are facing complex, urgent risks from the pandemic, expert warns
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted billions of lives around the world. But the crisis is hitting already-vulnerable women and girls in several new and interconnected ways. Nepali sociologist Meena  
28.08.2020 | News
Launching the FES Asia podcast: Disrupted Asia – Between Crisis, Rise and Resilience!
Our inaugural episode discusses the notion that we are living in an “Asian Century”. In an interview with the international bestselling author Dr Parag Khanna, we unpack its meaning, prospects and  
28.04.2020 | #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | Publication
Women and the future of care work in Asia
This study analyses care and welfare policies and its impact on women in Asia.  
16.04.2020 | Cross-cutting regional issues | Coronabrief
UNI Asia-Pacific unions lead the pack in responding to the corona crisis
Trade unions have a critically important role in mitigating the economic and social effects of the coronavirus crisis. UNI Asia-Pacific Regional Secretary Rajendra Kumar Acharya spotlights the vital  
05.05.2020 | COVID-19 on South Asia | Coronabrief
Women’s cooperatives respond to the crisis in India
In this crisis, we see that many suffer significant losses of income and employment as a result of social distancing measures. India's Self Employed Women's Association (SEWA) Federation supports  
10.05.2021 | Future of Work | News
Shaping the 2020s: Symposium and paper series for Workers' Future in Asia
Over the past year, FES worked together with 20 researchers from across Asia to analyse the challenges of workers in the region and develop visions for a future that supports socially just, inclusive  
23.06.2016 | News
FES Office for Regional Cooperation in Asia welcomes its new Director
The FES Office for Regional Cooperation in Asia welcomes its new Director, Adrienne Woltersdorf. After almost four years, the previous Director Julia Mueller is leaving to continue work in the FES  
19.06.2020 | #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | News
Dignity and recognition for care workers in Asia
Human survival requires care work, yet paid and unpaid care work still lack recognition. An FES working group on the future of the care economy has developed an animation video with recommendations  
07.11.2018 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
As Vietnam revises labour law, FES and partners debate the opportunity to improve workers’ rights
The ongoing revision of Vietnam’s Labour Code is an opportunity to ensure workers’ rights are better protected in the economy of the 21st Century.  
Search results 71 until 80 of 480