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576 results:
| Cross-cutting regional issues | Coronabrief
COVID-19 and refugees in Asia: A crisis waiting to happen
Governments, funders and humanitarian agencies must act now to save lives and mitigate the potentially catastrophic impacts of COVID-19 on refugee and host communities throughout the Asia-Pacific…  
| #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | Publication
Women and the future of care work in Asia
This study analyses care and welfare policies and its impact on women in Asia.  
| COVID-19 on South East Asia | Coronabrief
Indonesia: A late shift in re-balancing economic and health priorities
The most populous country in South-East Asia was initially slow to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Now the government has stepped up travel restrictions and eased limits on public spending to fight…  
| Cross-cutting regional issues | Coronabrief
Who gets to stay at home? Social distancing in Asia’s megacities
In Asia’s densely populated cities, social distancing possibilities are limited. The pandemic reveals the need for more sustainable responses and people-centred urban planning.  
| COVID-19 on South East Asia | Coronabrief
Thailand: Helping the most vulnerable workers
For millions of Thai workers, the lost income due to the COVID-19 response is fast becoming a more pressing daily concern than social distancing. Initiatives by the government and civil society are…  
| COVID-19 on South Asia | Coronabrief
Under pressure: Health care workers fighting at the frontlines in Nepal
Female doctors and nurses carry a double burden during the COVID-19 crisis. Unions in Nepal are demanding urgent action to safeguard workers’ physical, psychological and economic well-being.  
| COVID-19 on South Asia | Coronabrief
Stories of hunger: India’s lockdown is hitting the poorest
Amid the world’s largest lockdown, migrant workers face an impossible choice: Risk contracting the virus or go hungry. Indian journalist Sanjay Kapoor reports from New Delhi.  
| Cross-cutting regional issues | Coronabrief
Who cares? Feminist responses to the pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has a strong gender dimension. It is increasing women’s vulnerabilities and risks in their roles as workers and caregivers. Feminists in India have developed demands to address…  
| Cross-cutting regional issues | Coronabrief
A crisis like no other: Asia and the wider global picture
The corona crisis is sending shockwaves through political, economic and social systems. The challenges for the Asia-Pacific region are enormous, and they call for systemic changes.  
| Cross-cutting regional issues | Coronabrief
UNI Asia-Pacific unions lead the pack in responding to the corona crisis
Trade unions have a critically important role in mitigating the economic and social effects of the coronavirus crisis. UNI Asia-Pacific Regional Secretary Rajendra Kumar Acharya spotlights the vital…  
Search results 361 until 370 of 576