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581 results:
| Future of Work, #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | Publication
Women workers and the future of work in Pakistan
A study on narratives around the future of work in Pakistan.  
| Future of Work, #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | Publication
Feminist perspectives on the future of work in Bangladesh
A discussion on what the the future of work could look like for women in Bangladesh.  
| Future of Work, #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | Publication
Examining women’s roles in the future of work in Indonesia
A discussion about women and the future of work in Indonesia.  
| Future of Work, #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | Publication
Women and the future of work in Mongolia
Analysis and discussion about women and the future of work in Mongolia.  
| Climate change | News
Women and climate change: Initializing gender-sensitive perspectives for Southeast Asia
Interview with Gotelind Alber on a genuine gender-sensitive climate transition for Southeast Asia.  
| Future Hub | News
Civil society in India presents social innovations for societal transformation
India is known for its frugal innovations and ground-up development models. Through their work, the partners of FES have been pioneering social innovations in their respective fields of interventions.  
| Future Hub | News
A day that turned history: 30 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall
For Dendev Terbishdagva, November 9, 1989 was just another day at work as lecturer in Bernau, East Berlin. Until the news came that the Wall was there no more.  
| Economy of tomorrow | News
Building liveable, social cities for the economy of tomorrow in Asia and Germany
Urbanists from Europe and Asia are facing some of the same challenges, but from often quite different angles. Experts from nine Asian countries visited Germany to explore social city making in Berlin…  
| Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Mongolia’s missing mining taxes
The extractive industry in Mongolia is making huge money for multinationals, but tax avoidance means this wealth is not translating into investments for the country’s public services.  
| Economy of tomorrow | News
Shopping malls aren’t enough – an inclusive city needs people-oriented planning
If urban development is led by communities it can make cities—and the wider economy—more inclusive and socially just. Indonesian urbanists discussed the case of Jakarta with a visiting German…  
Search results 401 until 410 of 581