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581 results:
| COVID-19 on South Asia | Coronabrief
Afghanistan – Peace in the time of COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has elevated the urgency for peace in Afghanistan to unprecedented levels. For the fledgling peace process, it is either an existential threat or a golden opportunity.  
| #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | Event
Feminist perspectives on the digital economy in Asia
Web discussion hosted by FES Asia, WIDE+ and IT for Change with more than 100 participants from across the region.  
| Cooperation for Peace and Security | News
Analysis: The Belt and Road Initiative in Malaysia
China’s geopolitics and geoeconomics are challenged by democratic transformation. Looking closely at the example of Malaysia, Sergio Grassi, analyses the Belt and Road Initiative.  
| Publication
The Belt and Road Initiative in Malaysia
China’s geopolitics and geoeconomics are challenged by democratic transformation. An analysis of the BRI in Malaysia.  
| Cross-cutting regional issues | Coronabrief
The many faces of COVID-19 in Asia
All realms of public life in Asia will be affected by the most severe pandemic in our lifetimes thus far.  
| Gender Justice, #FeministAsia | News
Digital justice for the next billion users
Payal Arora, author of “The Next Billion Users. Digital Life beyond the West” shares her views on digital justice and how it relates to the digital divide and the platform economy.  
| News
Are universities ready to meet the demand of the labour market?
Bangladesh’s higher education is deteriorating. Extensive reforms are necessary for universities to better respond to the demands of the labour markets in a changing world.  
| #CLSPlus, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Social partnerships for a just future world of work
Lifelong learning and vocational training are at the center of the the Regional Tripartite Social Dialogue Conference (RTSDC), held for the 10th time to promote social partnership and discuss the…  
| #CLSPlus, Trade, labour and social dialogue | Publication
Model labour chapter for European Union trade agreements
A state-of-the-art, ready to use blueprint for decision-makers.  
| #CLSPlus, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Decent work for all – How do we get there?
To make decent working conditions and inclusive development a reality for all, industrial policy can play a key role in the Asia-Pacific region.  
Search results 381 until 390 of 581