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581 results:
| COVID-19 on South Asia | Coronabrief
Under pressure: Health care workers fighting at the frontlines in Nepal
Female doctors and nurses carry a double burden during the COVID-19 crisis. Unions in Nepal are demanding urgent action to safeguard workers’ physical, psychological and economic well-being.  
| COVID-19 on South Asia | Coronabrief
Stories of hunger: India’s lockdown is hitting the poorest
Amid the world’s largest lockdown, migrant workers face an impossible choice: Risk contracting the virus or go hungry. Indian journalist Sanjay Kapoor reports from New Delhi.  
| Cross-cutting regional issues | Coronabrief
Who cares? Feminist responses to the pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has a strong gender dimension. It is increasing women’s vulnerabilities and risks in their roles as workers and caregivers. Feminists in India have developed demands to address…  
| Cross-cutting regional issues | Coronabrief
A crisis like no other: Asia and the wider global picture
The corona crisis is sending shockwaves through political, economic and social systems. The challenges for the Asia-Pacific region are enormous, and they call for systemic changes.  
| Cross-cutting regional issues | Coronabrief
UNI Asia-Pacific unions lead the pack in responding to the corona crisis
Trade unions have a critically important role in mitigating the economic and social effects of the coronavirus crisis. UNI Asia-Pacific Regional Secretary Rajendra Kumar Acharya spotlights the vital…  
| COVID-19 on East Asia | Coronabrief
South Korea: Elections in times of COVID-19
South Korea’s strategy in the fight against the coronavirus is viewed as a model throughout the world. Now the country is conducting parliamentary elections, which are dominated by the COVID-19…  
| Publication
Indonesia’s Global Maritime Fulcrum & China’s Belt Road Initiative
Indonesia’s Global Maritime Fulcrum and China’s Belt Road Initiative at first glance seem to be like a perfect match. But bilateral relations have always been complicated by being entangled with…  
| Cross-cutting regional issues | Coronabrief
No quick wins: The COVID-19 crisis and climate change
The measures to contain the COVID-19 pandemic have led to a decline in CO2 emissions. But without structural changes in place, this will not benefit the climate in the long run.  
| COVID-19 on South East Asia | Coronabrief
Philippines: COVID-19 as a public health crisis
The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbates the long-standing symptoms of a weak and inequitable public health system in the Philippines. A densely populated capital, widespread socioeconomic disparities and…  
| COVID-19 on South Asia | Coronabrief
Bangladesh: Garment sector collapse could devastate millions of workers
Bangladesh’s textile sector is highly dependent on demand from Europe and the United States. The economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic will hit factory workers, especially women.  
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