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480 results:
20.01.2023 | Climate change, Gender Justice | News
Women adapting to climate change in Nepal | DOCUMENTARY
Bahav (eng: flow) explores how Nepalese women in two of Nepal’s most remote districts have been navigating changing climatic conditions and their impacts on water resources.  
24.08.2022 | Climate change | News
Thailand needs to work more closely with the public if it hopes to pull of its just energy transition
Thailand's current practices and policies only include some of the elements that will be needed to achieve their ambitious commitment to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2065-2070.  
02.03.2023 | Geopolitics and International Order | Publication
The transitioning security order in the Indo-Pacific
The Transitioning Security Order in the Indo-Pacific is report that analyses the changing the security order/s of the region and provides some actionable recommendations for India-EU collaboration  
China's role in multilateral arms control 3.2
22.09.2022 | Geopolitics and International Order | Publication
China's role in multilateral arms control
As a player in global security politics, China is here to stay. A new analysis by FES explains what this means for arms control dialogue.  
Mother with a baby stroller crossing the street in Minh Khai, Hanoi, Vietnam.
03.10.2022 | Climate change, Gender Justice | News
Why we urgently need a gender-just urban future
Cities tend to reflect traditional gender roles and gendered division of labour. Instead, urban planning and design should address inequalities and encourage equitable access and use by all.  
17.10.2022 | Gender Justice | News
Dreams of Equality: Stories of struggle and aspirations of young women in Nepal
Role models and their stories have a great impact on supporting conversations about gender equality and gender justice. The FES Nepal Office collected stories of Nepalese women transforming their  
26.05.2023 | Climate change | Publication
How to ensure a just transition towards climate neutrality? Case studies from China
China, which emits by far the most greenhouse gases in the world, aims to become climate neutral by 2060. A number of case studies show the social implications of this plan.  
15.11.2022 | Climate change | Publication
Cities as places for transformation
What are the roles of cities in social-ecological transformation?  
14.09.2023 | Geopolitics and International Order | News
Exclusive interview: Myanmar’s shifted geopolitical posture after the coup
How does geopolitical competition impact the trajectory of Myanmar? What roles do China, Russia, India as well the neighbors play? In our exclusive interview, Min Zin, Executive Director of the  
09.12.2022 | Publication
China’s expanding engagement with the United Nations development pillar
The selective long-term approach of a programme country superpower.  
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