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480 results:
19.07.2021 | Geopolitics and International Order | Vlog
Unpacked with Hervé Lemahieu
“Australia needs allies and partners if it hopes to revitalize and strengthen the international rules-based order. That is where Europe offers the greatest value and acquires much greater importance  
26.07.2021 | Geopolitics and International Order | Vlog
Unpacked with Steven Blockmans | Ep. 8
“What happens in the Indo-Pacific does not stay in the Indo-Pacific”, stresses Dr Steven Blockmans, Research Director at the Centre for European Policy Studies in Brussels. Whether it is maritime  
Woman working in a little shop in central square of Bhaktapur
03.02.2022 | Future of Work | News
Supporting women’s involvement in Nepalese trade unions
"For trade unions to be key players in this changing world of work, they need to understand and reflect the workforce they represent," argues Marta Ochoa in her interview with FES Nepal.  
13.09.2021 | Geopolitics and International Order | Vlog
Unpacked with Dr Janka Oertel | Ep. 15
The European Union needs to take its own agency seriously to be able to effectively handle the new geopolitical challenges that are emerging in Asia. Janka Oertel, Asia Programme director at the  
09.08.2021 | Geopolitics and International Order | Vlog
Unpacked with Dr Pramod Jaiswal | Ep. 9
The EU has been a valuable development partner of Nepal and has contributed to several development projects along with promoting bilateral trade. Dr Pramod Jaiswal, Research Director at NIICE,  
15.06.2021 | Future of Work, Economy of tomorrow | News
German Supply Chain Act makes corporate responsibility mandatory
On 11 June, Germany passed a much-debated act on due diligence in global supply chains. Frederike Boll writes about the power of alliances, the key points of the new law, the influence of the Social  
13.08.2021 | Future Hub | News
Young Progressive Academy launched to train Indonesian emerging leaders
FES Indonesia hosts capacity building for young people aiming to enhance awareness on key social, political and cultural issues, while equipping them to become progressive leaders of their country.  
23.08.2021 | Geopolitics and International Order | Vlog
Unpacked with Dr Mendee Jargalsaikhan | Ep. 11
Situated between two great powers, China and Russia, and sharing many of the EU’s fundamental values, Mongolia appears to be a natural partner for Brussels. Mendee Jargalsaikhan, Director of the  
26.08.2021 | Geopolitics and International Order | Vlog
Unpacked with Bernd Lange | Ep. 12
The EU’s policy in the Indo-Pacific is guided by trade and economic considerations and must put the emphasis on sustainability, workers’ rights and shared values. Bernd Lange, Member of the European  
07.09.2021 | Geopolitics and International Order | Vlog
Unpacked with Dingding Chen | Ep. 14
Scholars in China largely view the Indo-Pacific as a concept of the United States and its allies, with a preponderance of the geopolitical aspect. It is also becoming central to US-China relations,  
Search results 441 until 450 of 480