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480 results:
14.04.2020 | COVID-19 on East Asia | Coronabrief
South Korea: Elections in times of COVID-19
South Korea’s strategy in the fight against the coronavirus is viewed as a model throughout the world. Now the country is conducting parliamentary elections, which are dominated by the COVID-19  
01.05.2020 | Cross-cutting regional issues | Coronabrief
Lives at stake – rights and responsibilities for a safer workplace
Access to rights and collective representation through unions is vital to tackling the pandemic. Safe workplace measures must be jointly designed and owned by employers and employees. IUF – a union  
14.05.2020 | COVID-19 on East Asia | Coronabrief
Creative industries in Mongolia: The challenge of COVID-19 for arts and culture
The young and up-coming jazz scene in Ulaanbaatar is hit hard by the lockdown in an already challenging economic environment, as are artists of all genres. However, being accustomed to the ups and  
27.08.2020 | Future Hub | News
A thousand virtual tents: Civil-society youth festival in Indonesia moves online
A festival in North Sumatra brings together the region’s engaged youth each year under the principles of create – collaborate – celebrate. Now in its fourth year, the 1,000 Tents of Toba Caldera  
21.09.2020 | Cooperation for Peace and Security | News
International Peace Day: Civil society organizations call for end of Korean War
More than 350 South Korean and international civil society organizations, including the Korea office of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, have launched a campaign calling for an end of the Korean War.  
08.03.2021 | Gender Justice | Publication
Icons of gender justice
Read about the lives of those who paved the way for women’s rights in Asia in this new graphic novel anthology.  
Two tourists visiting the South Korean side of the DMZ stand on a symbolic map of North and South Korea, divided at the 38th Parallel.
03.10.2020 | Cooperation for Peace and Security | News
How relevant is the German reunification for Korea today?
It has been 30 years since the fall of the Berlin wall. FES Korea explored the significance of the German reunification for the Korean peninsula.  
20.10.2020 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
(Re-)imagining the future of trade unions in Bangladesh
What are the challenges and opportunities facing organized labour in Bangladesh? We spoke with civil society leader Shakil Ahmed.  
16.12.2020 | News
A Philippines training hub for good governance goes digital
The Institute of Politics and Governance (IPG) in the Philippines explores ways to continue supporting good governance through people’s participation as it faces the challenges of one of the world’s  
22.12.2020 | Economy of tomorrow | News
Shaping the future of a smart government in ‘E-Mongolia’
Mongolia strives to play a leading role in the digitalization of government. Find out how in our interview with Anar Bayarsaikhan, the Director of the Social Insurance Authority in Mongolia’s Orkhon  
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