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480 results:
25.03.2019 | Climate change | News
The greenest kind of growth is degrowth
Shifting spotlight from economic growth to the well-being of humans and nature can contribute to reduced carbon pressure on the Planet, better trade and decent work conditions, writes a Vietnamese  
18.11.2019 | Future of Work, #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | Publication
Feminist perspectives on the future of work in Bangladesh
A discussion on what the the future of work could look like for women in Bangladesh.  
21.11.2022 | Geopolitics and International Order | Publication
China's global health diplomacy
In its pursuit to reform the international order, Beijing views third (developing) states as its main allies and health diplomacy as an essential tool to build international coalitions.  
18.11.2019 | Future of Work, #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | Publication
Women workers and the future of work in Pakistan
A study on narratives around the future of work in Pakistan.  
18.11.2019 | Future of Work, #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | Publication
Feminist perspectives on the future of work in India
This study examines the latest insights about the future of work in India and its effects on women.  
18.11.2019 | Future of Work, #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | Publication
Gender and the future of work in Thailand
A starting point for further analysis and discussion about women and the future of work in Thailand.  
09.12.2019 | Future of Work, #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | Publication
Gender perspectives on the future of work in China
A starting point for further analysis and discussion about women and the future of work in China.  
08.01.2020 | Climate change | News
"Governments failed us at COP25"
As governments show insufficient signs of comprehensively addressing the climate emergency, civil society must step up efforts to make sure their voices are heard.  
15.05.2020 | COVID-19 on South Asia | Coronabrief
When the virus hits... A comic from India
Award-winning Indian cartoonist Sharad Sharma puts the spotlight on the economic and social plight of artists in this comic drawn for FES Asia. The founder of World Comics India documents how his  
22.04.2020 | COVID-19 on South Asia | Coronabrief
Under pressure: Health care workers fighting at the frontlines in Nepal
Female doctors and nurses carry a double burden during the COVID-19 crisis. Unions in Nepal are demanding urgent action to safeguard workers’ physical, psychological and economic well-being.  
Search results 411 until 420 of 480