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399 results:
| Climate change | News
Women and climate change: Initializing gender-sensitive perspectives for Southeast Asia
Interview with Gotelind Alber on a genuine gender-sensitive climate transition for Southeast Asia.  
| Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Increasing workers’ protection in ASEM | 10th Asia-Europe Labour Forum
An important mission of the international union movement is to increase its participation in global governance and convey the views and concerns of workers from Asia and Europe. In their dialogue  
| Geopolitics and International Order | News
An innovative platform for futures thinking: FES Asia kicks off new regional expert group
2021 marked the launch of the new FES Asia geopolitics programme. A key pillar is the FES Asia Strategic Foresight Group, an interdisciplinary network of thought leaders from 20 countries in Asia and  
| Geopolitics and International Order | News
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Geopolitical Situation in Asia with Marc Saxer by TenGer TV, Mongolia
"It’s all about these redlines in times of instability and uncertainty", said Marc Saxer, FES Asia's Regional Director.  
| Trade, labour and social dialogue | Publication
Democracies, economies and social protection – Understanding welfare state development in Asia and Europe
Scholars of the welfare state have long focused on a relatively small number of mature post-industrial political economies, above all the member states of the European Union, the United States,  
| Climate change | News
Southeast Asia’s plans to expand coal power are undermining the global energy shift
While many parts of the world are shifting away from fossil fuels, Southeast Asia remains a hot spot for coal expansion. A new report by Climate Analytics, supported by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung,  
| Gender Justice | News
Women and girls across Asia are facing complex, urgent risks from the pandemic, expert warns
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted billions of lives around the world. But the crisis is hitting already-vulnerable women and girls in several new and interconnected ways. Nepali sociologist Meena  
| Geopolitics and International Order | News
Reinventing connectivity for a post-COVID recovery: 13th Asia-Europe Meeting Summit
The COVID-19 pandemic has been eroding multilateralism and connectivity; principles that are needed the most to ensure a rapid and just recovery. These two related topics were the focus of the 13th  
| Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
9th Asia Europe Labour Forum & 4th Social Partner’s Forum
Lively discussions of representatives from trade union centres from over 20 countries from Asia and Europe with government officials, the European Commission, other organisations and experts made the  
| Future of Work | News
International Workers' Day 2023: Empowering Workers' Voices across Asia
We are recognizing workers in various sectors and industries across Asia. Their stories are the testament to the reality of their life and work conditions. There is no better way to learn how to  
Search results 81 until 90 of 399