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399 results:
| Climate change | Event
Regional Exchange Platform: Transforming Asia's cities
How urban transformation, feminism and the circular economy are shaping the futures of cities of Asia.  
Cover image of article by Dr Yeo Lay Hwee showing a collage with a photo of her, chess pieces, flags of China, symbol of the EU and a dictionary article of geopolitics
| Geopolitics and International Order | News
The parallels between Russia and China don’t wash in Asia, there is a need to bridge the gap
Diverging views on the Russian invasion of Ukraine dominated the conversations during the visit to Europe by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung’s Asia Strategic Foresight Group, in particular regarding the  
63. Feminist approach key to just energy transition in Asia — coalition  
Adopting a feminist approach to energy transitions is crucial for ensuring that the shift to clean energy is just, and addresses historical and current gender inequalities, a network of feminist  
| Geopolitics and International Order | News
Nepal in the Geopolitics of Asia: Four Scenarios and Policy Options
Nepal is wedged between two powers: China and India. As great power rivalry spills over in the region, Nepal finds itself increasingly constrained. Prominent experts and thought leaders from across  
| Climate change | Publication
Prospects for a just transition in Asia: Navigating opportunities and challenges
Explore international accomplishments in implementing the concept of Just Transition among Asian countries in this editorial. Not limited to the positive side, it also looks at the shortcomings of  
| Gender Justice | News
Asia in Transformation: Visions and Policies for a Gender Just Future
The Asia-Pacific region is one the most diverse regions in the world in terms of politics, economy and culture. Despite significant economic growth and improved educational opportunities in recent  
| Cross-cutting regional issues | Coronabrief
Markers of identity: Asia’s cultural heritage in times of COVID-19
Often overlooked, workers in the tourism sector are now facing severe social challenges owing to the closing of UNESCO heritage sites and the absence of international tourists. At the same time, the  
| News
A new Asia-Pacific and China's changing Belt and Road Initiative
We are looking into China’s changing Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and its complex relations with its neighbours as well as the EU.  
| Gender Justice | News
Interview: Asia scores low on labour law protection for domestic workers
Over 35% of the domestic workers worldwide are accounted for in Asia where the Philippines remains the only country to ratify international labour standards for their protection. Changes are brewing  
Happy rural Indian women working on laptop in village. She is working with confidence.
| Economy of tomorrow | News
Commentary: Digital Transformation, the Future of Work & Society in Asia
New Delhi (India) – We must place inclusiveness at the centre stage of any discussion about the future of work and employment.  
Search results 61 until 70 of 399