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399 results:
| #FESAsiaCoronaBrief | Coronabrief, Publication
COVID-19 in Asia: Testimonies of an unfolding crisis
48 articles from 16 countries to understand the repercussions of this crisis.  
| Climate change | Publication
Social-ecological transformation in cities in Asia
Asian cities present unique challenges but also opportunities for low-carbon transitions.  
| Geopolitics and International Order | News
Asia’s New Geopolitics of Artificial Intelligence and Technology
As geopolitical rivalry intensifies in both traditional and non-traditional domains, leadership around AI, emerging technologies and the increased prospects of cyberwarfare have come to sharp focus.  
| Geopolitics and International Order | News
A war far away in Europe? The impact of the Ukraine war on Asia is far greater than you think
Marc Saxer answers questions about the larger implications of the war in Ukraine on the Asia-Pacific region and the future of the global order.  
| Future of Work, Gender Justice | News
Analysing women and work in South Asia
Latest research unveils key issues and opportunities for women and the future of work in South Asia.  
| Geopolitics and International Order | News
Watch: South Korea and the new geopolitics of Asia
Experts share their analysis of what the changing geopolitical landscape in Asia means for the Korean Peninsula.  
| Geopolitics and International Order | News
The ‘Zeitenwende’ and resetting Europe-Asia Relations
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has been seen by the West, in particular in Europe, as a threat to its conception of the world order. But this view is not shared in Asia-Pacific, where the assessment  
| Cooperation for Peace and Security | News
The Ulaanbaatar Dialogue – a “Helsinki” for peace in Northeast Asia?
An annual summit in Mongolia can serve as a platform for dialogue over the Korean Peninsula, in particular in the wake of the Kim-Trump summit in Singapore.  
| Geopolitics and International Order, COVID-19 on South Asia | Coronabrief
India's changing geopolitics in post-COVID Asia
The bloody clashes in the high Himalayas between Indian and Chinese soldiers in mid-June add yet another dimension to the unfolding geopolitical churn in post-COVID Asia. They have shattered Delhi’s  
| Future Hub | News
COVID-19 and education in Asia: Is privatisation a driver of inequality?
Education in Asia is becoming increasingly privatised and commercialised. To learn more about the impacts and future trends of the sector, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Nepal spoke with Education  
Search results 41 until 50 of 399