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399 results:
| News
FES Office for Regional Cooperation in Asia welcomes its new Director
The FES Office for Regional Cooperation in Asia welcomes its new Director, Adrienne Woltersdorf. After almost four years, the previous Director Julia Mueller is leaving to continue work in the FES  
| Geopolitics and International Order | News
India in the geopolitics of Asia: Four scenarios and policy options
Great power competition has intensified in the Indo-Pacific region; India is in the centre of these geopolitical and geoeconomic push and pulls. Prominent Indian experts and thought leaders convened  
| Geopolitics and International Order | News
Thailand in the Geopolitics of Asia: Four Scenarios and Strategic Options
Thailand faces a crucial moment as the political and economic center moves to Asia. Diverse Thai stakeholders gathered and came up with strategy options that could help Thailand navigates through  
| Geopolitics and International Order | News
Philippines in the Geopolitics of Asia: Four Scenarios and Strategic Options
Amidst the escalating US-China tensions, the Philippines faces a dilemma regarding which side to pick, and is politically and economically susceptible to foreign influence and elite capture. Experts  
| Geopolitics and International Order | News
Pakistan in the Geopolitics of Asia: Four Scenarios and Strategic Options
Pakistan finds itself in a challenging position amidst the big geopolitical contest. Geo-economics, regional security questions, and internal tensions compound the country's diplomatic dilemmas,  
| Climate change | Publication
Promoting Socially and Economically Just Energy Transformations in Asia
A comprehensive overview of the most important political and social factors, the commonalities and differences, that drive—but also hamper—socially just energy transitions across eight countries in  
| Economy of tomorrow | Publication
The Social City: Aspiration of an Urban Transformation in Asia
In this discussion paper, Dr. Rita Padawangi is contextualizing, reflecting and comparing the urban transformation of cities like Jakarta, Singapore or Seoul from a progressive political-economic  
| Cross-cutting regional issues | Coronabrief
Who gets to stay at home? Social distancing in Asia’s megacities
In Asia’s densely populated cities, social distancing possibilities are limited. The pandemic reveals the need for more sustainable responses and people-centred urban planning.  
| Cross-cutting regional issues | Coronabrief
COVID-19 and refugees in Asia: A crisis waiting to happen
Governments, funders and humanitarian agencies must act now to save lives and mitigate the potentially catastrophic impacts of COVID-19 on refugee and host communities throughout the Asia-Pacific  
| Cross-cutting regional issues | Coronabrief
Technology for a social cause: TikTok and Asia’s mobile-first nations
TikTok, the most installed app amid the COVID-19 pandemic, makes influencers on social media “essential workers”. The platform presents an opportunity for concerted partnerships between governments,  
Search results 51 until 60 of 399