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480 results:
19.09.2017 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Trade unions welcome ASEAN guidelines on CSR, call for strong enforcement mechanism
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) – Trade unions gathered on 4-5 September 2017 to promote the ASEAN Guidelines for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on Labour adopted on 15 May 2016 and build on this  
8 male fishers sit at the floor with green fishing net and smile to camera.
07.06.2019 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Trade deals need to benefit workers too
For a trade deal to be fair, it must benefit workers all along the supply chain. To make sure this happens, workers must have a say in policies and negotiations.  
01.06.2020 | COVID-19 on South East Asia | Coronabrief
Managing a triple crisis in Malaysia
Ever since the first case of COVID-19 emerged on 25 January, Malaysia has been battling not one, not two, but three crises. Firstly, the public health crisis of combating the pandemic and “flattening  
Wind turbines behind an ancient architecture in Rajasthan, India.
25.03.2018 | Economy of tomorrow | News
Selecting the right narrative can help unify diverse stakeholders’ support
New Delhi – A new methodology pursued by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) in India has been applying a new narrative for alliance building to energy reforms in the country.  
05.12.2017 | Gender Justice | News
Tackling gender-based violence
Bangkok (Thailand) – How the elimination of violence against women can be achieved in Thailand  
04.11.2020 | Climate change, Gender Justice | News
Revisit our web discussions on gender and energy
Watch the presentation of our four keynote speakers from our series on gender and energy.  
13.06.2023 | Geopolitics and International Order | News
Regional Lab: Geopolitics, Geoeconomics, and World Order
Great power rivalry has intensified in the Indo-Pacific region and there is urgent need to explore ways for countries to navigate the challenges. Thought leaders and experts from across the region  
14.06.2021 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Nepal must support its tourism sector or face losing a critical workforce
The tourism sector of Nepal has been decimated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Workers and unions call for more financial support and a boost for domestic travel.  
an image of a dark room filled with crowd and a huge human face at the background
20.09.2023 | Future of Work | News
Platform algorithms: A new stage of labor exploitation
The age when algorithms control humans. How true is it? The destructive controlling aspect of platform algorithms reveals the true nature of platform capitalism. Platform companies leverage and  
08.04.2024 | Climate change | Publication
Gender in a just urban transition: Discussion paper
What can be done to ensure current gaps in equality and inclusion are no longer overlooked or unaddressed? Explore the challenges and opportunities of a pathway to achieve just transitions in cities  
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