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480 results:
09.06.2020 | COVID-19 on South East Asia | Coronabrief
For low-income Malaysia, a lifeline amidst a crisis?
The struggles faced by low-income Malaysia have long been clear. The COVID-19 crisis offers a lifeline: it has firmly brought into mainstream thought and popularity the benefits of robust systems of  
Aerial view of beautiful Jakarta cityscape with connection network at night time
04.07.2018 | Future Hub | News
FES contributes to the German-Indonesian exchange on how to prepare for the fourth industrial revolution
Fifty years ago FES first established a base in Indonesia where today it works with local partners on a range of topics, from pathways to fair transition and urbanization to inter-cultural and  
12.10.2017 | #CLSPlus, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Making trade benefit workers
Geneva (Switzerland) – Global trade has triggered challenges for workers’ rights and how to address them was the focus of a session by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung at the 2017 WTO Public Forum.  
26.09.2017 | Trade, labour and social dialogue, #CLSPlus | News
Protecting workers' rights in trade
Singapore – A model labour chapter to EU trade agreements and preferences commissioned by FES can pave way to stronger implementation of labour standards and greater respect for rights at work.  
Closeup woman filling form of Individual Income Tax Return
23.09.2016 | Economy of tomorrow | News
Building an accountable tax system
Sampran (Thailand) – A policy community has been exploring alternative tax models, part of the Economy of Tomorrow project.  
Crowd of people walking in a street market of Yangon, Myanmar. Some guys stand by the stalls, while other walk and ride bicycle. The Shwedagon Pagoda, the main city temple, is visible in the background. Warm sunlight illuminates the scene through palm trees.
20.10.2017 | Cooperation for Peace and Security | News
Challenges on all fronts: The many dimensions of Myanmar’s multiple transitions
Yangoon (Myanmar) – Will democracy in Myanmar have to live with military prerogatives, tutelary power and civilian-military power-sharing in the times to come?  
08.03.2017 | Gender Justice | News
Women face double burden
Dhaka (Bangladesh) – The majority of women in Bangladesh still bear the double burden of paid work and unpaid care work.  
10.12.2020 | Economy of tomorrow | News
AI and associated tech developments hold threats but also opportunities for inclusive growth in India
Big data, mobile connectivity and artificial intelligence are dominating the daily lives of Indians faster than some predicted. But is the country poised to make the most of this technological  
Aerial view of pedestrian crossing
05.03.2018 | Economy of tomorrow | News
Linking the global urban and jobs agendas: Toward a policy framework for job-rich urbanization
An urbanization that fails to produce just job opportunities will have far-reaching consequences.  
Contrast in Jakarta downtown district with modern skyscrapers, a large mosque and a very crowded low income residential district in Indonesia capital city
01.02.2019 | Economy of tomorrow | News
The urban housing crises of Indonesia and Malaysia: Same-same but different
The large cities of Indonesia and Malaysia are no exception to the trend or rising poor and massive shortage in affordable housing and public services.  
Search results 171 until 180 of 480