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480 results:
16.04.2018 | Cooperation for Peace and Security | News
Converging or diverging? Considering security implications of China's 21st Century Maritime Silk Road
China's ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has given rise to both hopes and concerns among its stakeholders along the route. While it offers economic opportunities and greater connectivity, it  
26.12.2017 | Trade, labour and social dialogue, #CLSPlus | News
Enforcing labour standards in Pakistan
Singapore – In 2014, Pakistan became a beneficiary of the EU’s GSP+ programme—a scheme which provides the country with zero import tariffs on most of its export. What has happened since with regards  
16.12.2018 | Future Hub | News
Migration rules and regulations in one country cannot work alone
At a high-level ministerial meeting in Berlin, representatives of Germany and Indonesia back stronger international cooperation to tackle migration by democratic means.  
23.11.2020 | Gender Justice | News
How COVID-19 fuels the digital gender divide
It is high time to act and re-imagine our digital future in Asia.  
11.10.2018 | #CLSPlus, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Enforcing labour standards in trade agreements through a targeted approach to sanctions
Applying targeted sanctions to enforce labour standards in trade agreements and trade preferences can improve the incentive for compliance.  
16.12.2019 | Future of Work, #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | Publication
Feminist perspectives on the future of work in the Philippines
A starting point for further analysis and discussion about women and the future of work in the Philippines.  
Mobile phones being produced in a factory
02.03.2017 | #CLSPlus, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Sweatshop smartphones
An op-ed on working conditions in the electronics industry testifies to the urgency for binding and enforceable labour provisions, focus of CLS+, a regional project by FES in Asia.  
A photo of a worker resting on a mountain of leathers.
09.08.2023 | Future of Work, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Protecting Bangladesh’s Tannery Workers Against “Unjust” Transition
Workers in Bangladesh’s huge tannery sector have been bearing the brunt of recent “sustainability” drives, as authorities have relocated polluting factories with no adequate assistance or facilities  
05.04.2019 | #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | News
Uniting feminists and workers in the struggle for decent work
Bringing the women’s and workers’ movements together is a challenging task that one of the working groups as part of a regional project on feminism in Asia chose to face.  
Portrait photo of a woman worker in a tea plant in Bangladesh
25.04.2023 | Future of Work, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
New collective bargaining skills help Bangladesh’s tea picker fight for fair conditions
Workers in Bangladesh’s renowned tea plantations have been fighting injustice and exploitation for more than a century. Trade unions have made some recent progress in improving their working  
Search results 181 until 190 of 480