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480 results:
25.05.2017 | Gender Justice | News
Gender justice in Thailand: working towards the inclusion of all
Bangkok (Thailand) – Women's rights face ongoing challenges in Thailand, including persistent stereotyping and a range of oppressions, according to a study on political feminism and the women's  
26.07.2024 | Geopolitics and International Order | News
From a security to developmental state: Pakistan's adaptation to geoeconomic disruptions
“Pakistan’s economy is deeply intertwined with both US and China: divorce from either camp would be tantamount to cutting off a limb,” Moeed W. Yusuf explores why and how Pakistan has come up with a  
18.11.2019 | Future of Work, #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | Publication
Women and the future of work in Mongolia
Analysis and discussion about women and the future of work in Mongolia.  
28.05.2021 | Future of Work | Publication
Mapping of trade unions' use of digital communication and education tools
How are global union federations in the Asia-Pacific region and their national and local affiliates responding to the pandemic?  
29.11.2022 | Future of Work, Geopolitics and International Order | News
The conflict in Ukraine and Thailand’s cost of living crisis
The country’s most vulnerable are stuck between a rock and a hard place.  
22.11.2017 | Cooperation for Peace and Security | News
Security in China’s Silk Road: Roadblocks or express-way?
Manila – As China takes on a bigger role in the international community of nations with the Belt and Road Initiative, a workshop in Manila considers the security implications of its maritime  
25.05.2020 | COVID-19 on South East Asia | Coronabrief
Life after the lockdown: Vietnam’s COVID-19 success story
The remarkable success in keeping the number of coronavirus infections low and deaths at zero allows Vietnam to gradually reopen its economy. Life is slowly returning to a kind of normalcy that has  
14.06.2019 | Gender Justice | News
Domestic workers can organize anywhere
In Asia the main priority for domestic workers is still to be recognized as workers.  
A woman at a construction site. She is holding a shovel, wearing glasses, gloves and a hat.
21.12.2022 | Future of Work | News
Nepal’s unions assess their power resources through a worker’s lens
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Nepal and the Centre for Labour and Social Studies (CLASS) Nepal conduct first-ever power resource assessment of Nepalese trade union movement.  
04.05.2020 | COVID-19 on South East Asia | Coronabrief
Migrant workers struggling under lockdown in Thailand
Across Thailand, millions of migrant workers are struggling due to the lockdown, unable to get home, and often without any work. The government has made exemptions to help their situations and  
Search results 211 until 220 of 480