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581 results:
| Gender Justice, #FeministAsia | News
The rising need for care demands new policies for decent jobs
Policies need to address the rising need for care and to ensure decent work in the care economy of Asia.  
| #FeministAsia | Publication
Feminism in Myanmar
An exploration and analysis women's and feminist movements in Myanmar.  
Workers using loader crane at job site and talking to the team by walkie talkie radio.
| #CLSPlus, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
The right industrial policies can stimulate economic and social upgrading
Developing countries must do more than boost exports if they hope to improve workers’ lives. But which industrial policies have proven best at stimulating social and economic upgrading?  
| Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
The pioneering FES Academy of Work gets a makeover in Bangladesh
Two years after the first Academy of Work in Bangladesh, trainers have restyled the programme to better respond to the challenges of organized labour in the future world of work.  
| #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | News
Women and the future of work: New network selects areas for priority attention
The technological changes sweeping the world of work have particular implications for women. Specialists from across Asia have selected two areas to focus on as a matter of priority.  
| Climate change | News
Renewable energy can be “win-win-win” for Vietnam
A greater emphasis on renewable energy could benefit the people and the economy as well as the environment in Vietnam.  
A female Asian engineer using angle grinder in factory workshop
| #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | News
The brave new world of work holds particular opportunities and challenges for women
Ageing populations, technology advancements, climate change and the rise of non-standard jobs complicate further the grim outlook of the labour market landscape for women in Asia.  
| Gender Justice | News
Domestic workers can organize anywhere
In Asia the main priority for domestic workers is still to be recognized as workers.  
8 male fishers sit at the floor with green fishing net and smile to camera.
| Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Trade deals need to benefit workers too
For a trade deal to be fair, it must benefit workers all along the supply chain. To make sure this happens, workers must have a say in policies and negotiations.  
| Climate change | News
Coal-based power plants: Vietnam’s unsolved problem
A look at the county’s persistently popular but problematic power source.  
Search results 411 until 420 of 581