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480 results:
18.05.2020 | COVID-19 on East Asia | Coronabrief
Corona vs Abenomics: Japan’s reaction to the crisis
Over many years, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has sought to revitalize the Japanese economy, following a policy known as “Abenomics”. While Abenomics-related measures have only resulted in limited  
29.04.2019 | #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | News
Asian feminists on building bridges between women’s rights and labour rights
At a regional dialogue in Dhaka, feminists, political economist and women’s rights and labour activists focus on recognition of care work and stronger maternity rights.  
04.03.2021 | Economy of tomorrow | News
Training Bangladesh’s next generation of advocates, through the pandemic
Bangladesh has no shortage of bright young people keen to boost the country’s development. But many lack the research and specific presentation skills to match their motivation. Now in its fifth  
A crowd in Old Delhi
19.06.2018 | Economy of tomorrow | News
Jobs: The challenge of soaring unemployment, a year before 2019 Indian parliament elections
What lies behind the looming crisis over the future of jobs and how might it might impact the politics of India in 2019?  
13.05.2020 | COVID-19 on South Asia | Coronabrief
Bangladesh: Navigating the globalized impact of the pandemic
As an economically developing country heavily dependent on export-oriented sectors and remittances, Bangladesh needs to pursue a multi-pronged strategy to regain its economic momentum. The South  
08.04.2020 | Cross-cutting regional issues | Coronabrief
No quick wins: The COVID-19 crisis and climate change
The measures to contain the COVID-19 pandemic have led to a decline in CO2 emissions. But without structural changes in place, this will not benefit the climate in the long run.  
31.05.2018 | Future Hub | News
Hanoi students experience German, Vietnamese views on sustainable tourism during FES-supported field trip
Undergraduate students from Hanoi explore alternative concepts of tourism and discuss the social and economic impacts of mainstream tourism on local communities  
03.04.2023 | Geopolitics and International Order | News
A geoeconomic tsunami
The reorganisation of the world economy is in full swing. To survive, not only companies but entire nations need to adapt their development models  
28.04.2021 | Gender Justice | Publication
Transformative change for gender equality
Our new guide explores feminist approaches to transformative change, extracts lessons to learn and provides tools and inspiration to bring feminist change to your day-to-day work.  
24.06.2024 | Geopolitics and International Order | News
Adapting development models to geoeconomic disruptions: Reflections on Singapore’s development
Singapore, a major beneficiary of globalization who is heavily invested in both China and the West, is being threatened by the potential bifurcation of the global economy. Dr Yeo Lay Hwee points out  
Search results 281 until 290 of 480