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480 results:
People crossing the street in a downtown
20.02.2018 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Skilled, future-ready workers can withstand the impact of Industry 4.0
Preparing all workers to adapt to the changes driven by Industry 4.0 is priority for Singapore’s labour movement, says Sylvia Choo in the first of a series of conversations and essays about the  
28.02.2020 | #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | News
The future of work: A future without women?
Eight country studies shed light on the challenges and chances the 4th Industrial Revolution poses for female labourers.  
24.07.2019 | Climate change | News
Renewable energy can be “win-win-win” for Vietnam
A greater emphasis on renewable energy could benefit the people and the economy as well as the environment in Vietnam.  
27.04.2022 | Economy of tomorrow | Publication
China and the global financial architecture
China is a critical component of the global financial architecture as both a member of the international institutions and as an institution-builder. Our latest report addresses the question of where  
16.05.2024 | Geopolitics and International Order | News
Regional Lab: Adapting development models to geoeconomic disruption
Guided by innovative methodologies, members and friends of the FES Asia Strategic Foresight Group discussed how Asian economies and societies can best adapt to geopolitically driven paradigm shifts  
12.07.2021 | Economy of tomorrow | Publication
Supply chains under tension
Putting the spotlight on the changing nature of global value chains in the Asia-Pacific during the COVID-19 pandemic.  
17.09.2019 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
The pioneering FES Academy of Work gets a makeover in Bangladesh
Two years after the first Academy of Work in Bangladesh, trainers have restyled the programme to better respond to the challenges of organized labour in the future world of work.  
26.10.2022 | Publication
China’s role in the multilateral trade system
A recent analysis conducted by FES explains what is driving Beijing’s foreign trade policy and reflects on how Europe should respond.  
03.08.2021 | Economy of tomorrow | Publication
The digital silk road
The China-ASEAN Information Harbor might become an impactful transregional Digital Silk Road project.  
Traffic jam with hundreds of city taxi, buses and pedestrians of busy city road in Kolkata, India
30.05.2019 | Economy of tomorrow | News
China-India exchange on electrical-vehicle technology could boost industry and sustainability
India shares many development challenges with other countries, in particular regarding the energy transition and its environmental sustainability. Dialogue and collaboration, for example with China,  
Search results 291 until 300 of 480