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480 results:
15.11.2017 | Future Hub | News
Bangladesh’s university reforms should prioritize quality and encompass the private sector
Dhaka (Bangladesh) – Public and private sectors should be included in the design and implementation of any reforms to address the issues around quality of higher education in Bangladesh.  
12.12.2017 | Trade, labour and social dialogue, #CLSPlus | News
Creating Decent Work in the Era of Global Value Chains
Singapore – Today, some 60 to 80 per cent of the 20 trillion US dollars recorded gross exports are linked to the production of multinational firms in global value chains.  
26.07.2022 | Climate change | News
The gaps in Thailand’s plans for carbon neutrality, and its regional role
An interview with Chalie Charoenlarpnopparut about Thailand’s pledges, plans and priorities for its energy transformation.  
03.04.2020 | COVID-19 on South Asia | Coronabrief
Afghanistan – Peace in the time of COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has elevated the urgency for peace in Afghanistan to unprecedented levels. For the fledgling peace process, it is either an existential threat or a golden opportunity.  
a graphic image showing an Asian man with glasses and texts that say Asian Monetary Fund and Malaysia
20.10.2023 | Geopolitics and International Order | News
The rekindled appetite for an Asian Monetary Fund: A Malaysia perspective
The idea to set up an Asian Monetary Fund (AMF) has been revived after 30 years by Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim amid increasing worries about overreliance on the US dollar in the region.  
10.07.2024 | Geopolitics and International Order | News
Binary or zero-sum discourse risks ignoring the realities of the development of countries like Malaysia
"There is no clear consensus of whether the ongoing trade war results in a net negative for Malaysia." In the midst of this uncertainty, Harris Zainul proposes nuanced approaches through which  
28.05.2020 | Cross-cutting regional issues | Coronabrief
Fair trade for all crucial in times of COVID-19
The negotiations on the Asia-Pacific Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) are in their final stages. The agreement, once ratified, covers 30% of the world's population and almost 30% of  
17.05.2021 | News
Education during the pandemic: Dimensions of the digital divide in Mongolia
As the schools were shut down, the government opted to replace in-class learning with various means of distance education. This has revealed the dimensions of the digital divide at a larger scale, to  
20.04.2022 | Climate change | News
Young people energize the just transition in the Philippines
FES Philippines forms Youth for Just Transition Network to engage young people from different backgrounds in the shift from coal to renewable energy.  
21.10.2019 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Mongolia’s missing mining taxes
The extractive industry in Mongolia is making huge money for multinationals, but tax avoidance means this wealth is not translating into investments for the country’s public services.  
Search results 321 until 330 of 480