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480 results:
Four construction workers walking on the streets
01.03.2018 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Tackling challenges of migration in the face of the Qatar crisis
Kathmandu – Experiences from the Philippines and Nepal suggest that a multi-lateral approach to international labour agreements could benefit weaker countries of origin like Nepal, while also  
Hands being put together to show unity
24.01.2023 | Climate change | News
Just transition - The co-operative way
Cooperatives have been developed to be an ethical business model for socio-economic development of underserved women in India. Explore recent initiatives supported by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES)  
02.06.2021 | News
Vaccine justice and building forward better
In this episode, Jomo Kwame Sundaram, one of Malaysia's leading experts on the political economy of development, takes a closer look at the social and economic crisis in South and Southeast Asia, the  
22.01.2018 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Bangladesh: On with the next generation of trade unionists
In 2017, Bangladesh saw the opening of the first Academy of Work, a three-month long programme for trade unionists in the country. Today, they share their experiences!  
30.04.2024 | Trade Union, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Trade unions and workers are here
How does "democratic workplace" look like for you? Trade unionists and workers from all across the region are here to share and put together their aspirations, dreams and hopes.  
Cityscape of Shenzhen, China with large green area and skyscrapers background
14.07.2017 | Climate change, Economy of tomorrow | News
Building a low-carbon city: Experiences from China and Germany
Shanghai (China) – FES and partners in China continue the quest for new strategies to address the challenge of rapidly increasing urbanization and environmental problems cities face.  
01.09.2023 | Geopolitics and International Order | News
US-China strategic rivalry, South Korea’s strategic choices, and implications for German and South Korea cooperation
The US-China strategic rivalry has placed South Korea in a difficult position. Prof Chung-in Moon takes a look at the country’s domestic debates and contending strategic options in response to these  
15.10.2021 | Geopolitics and International Order | News
Between a rock and a hard place: ASEAN, AUKUS and the EU Indo-Pacific Strategy
Most ASEAN countries are rather reluctant to choose sides in the intensifying geopolitical rivalry between China and the United States. There is a concern among a number of Southeast Asian nations  
Women in Central Java Indonesia
08.03.2022 | Climate change | News
How gender blindness undermines ambitious climate action
Women and girls represent half of the world’s population, yet their invaluable contributions in tackling climate change are still unrecognized. This year’s International Women’s Day is a reminder  
21.04.2020 | COVID-19 on South Asia | Coronabrief
Stories of hunger: India’s lockdown is hitting the poorest
Amid the world’s largest lockdown, migrant workers face an impossible choice: Risk contracting the virus or go hungry. Indian journalist Sanjay Kapoor reports from New Delhi.  
Search results 231 until 240 of 480